About proton deposited energy

These protons are secondary particles produced by interaction between neutron and detector material. They would have lost all of their kinetic energy in the detector. But they did not. And I do not understand.

Hi, I am not sure, but I think, that after the first step, the proton energy is under its cut range and the particle is than killed and it is just not written in the record. And if I am right, the energy of killed particle is than counted towards the whole deposited energy.

Hi,thanks for you reply.
I watch my code and find the range cut of proton is 0. And the range cut of proton only sets the threshold energy of proton produced by primary particle. I reviewed the manuals of Geant4.

sorry I don’t get what you would expect and what actually happens… can you be more specific on what the problem is?
the last process of these 3 protons is „hIoni“, have you checked what that means? maybe there are secondary particles from that (e.g., ions, electrons, and a different proton)? Are there any particles in that first event with parent ID = 2?

You can find that these protons did not lose all of their kinetic energy or it just did not display. I think there is something wrong. Because the proton is still in the geometry of detector, it should continue to move and lose energy until it stops. But it disappears.

to me it looks like they moved a few microns and then an interaction (hIoni) happens?

But there still have many secondary particles like this, they lost all energy in detector.And I think they are right. An hIoni interaction happens , then it still have kinetic energy, it should continue to move and stop in next step.