Energy spectrum of TestEm5

Hello dear Geant4 users, hope you are doing well!
I am compiling file to get the energy spectrum of reflected, transmitted,charged and neutral particles. When i choose target material Aluminium(3mm) with gamma photons of 511KeV energy it successfully compiled it(see screenshot) but, when i choose target material Glass(SiO2)(2mm) while all other parameters are same it didn’t accept it and in the run summary it again showed Aluminium or sometimes G4_Si as a target material(see screenshot).
Could anybody tell me how to insert glass as a target material and get the energy spectrum of it? I would be thankful to him/her.
Thanks for your time and consideration.!
Screenshot from 2020-06-10 13-56-54|690x387

Look through the Help browser on the left of the screenshot to find the command

/material/nist/listMaterials compound


/testem/det/setAbsMat G4_SILICON_DIOXIDE

Thank you very much for your response! It really helped me alot.
In addition to this, do you have an idea of how to build histogram of it with same parameters?
Thanks again.

I advise you to read Section 7 of the README file for TestEm5 example. It has a full list of implemented histograms and a description how to include them in your analysis:

7- List of the built-in histograms

The test contains more than 20 built-in 1D histograms, which are managed by
G4AnalysisManager class and its Messenger. The histos can be individually activated
with the command :
/analysis/h1/set id nbBins valMin valMax unit
where unit is the desired unit for the histo (MeV or keV, deg or mrad, etc…)
(see the macros xxxx.mac).

1 “energy deposit in absorber”
2 “energy of charged secondaries at creation”
3 “energy of neutral secondaries at creation”
4 “energy of charged at creation (log10(Ekin))”
5 “energy of neutral at creation (log10(Ekin))”
6 “x_vertex of charged secondaries (all)”
7 “x_vertex of charged secondaries (not absorbed)”
10 “(transmit, charged) : kinetic energy at exit of world”
11 “(transmit, charged) : ener fluence: dE(MeV)/dOmega”
12 “(transmit, charged) : space angle dN/dOmega”
13 “(transmit, charged) : projected angle at exit of world”
14 “(transmit, charged) : projected position at exit of world”
15 “(transmit, charged) : radius at exit of world”
16 “energy of Auger e- at creation”
17 “energy of fluorescence gamma at creation”
18 “energy of Auger e- at creation (log scale)”
19 “energy of fluorescence gamma at creation (log scale)”
20 “(transmit, neutral) : kinetic energy at exit of world”
21 “(transmit, neutral) : ener fluence: dE(MeV)/dOmega”
22 “(transmit, neutral) : space angle dN/dOmega”
23 “(transmit, neutral) : projected angle at exit of world”
30 “(reflect , charged) : kinetic energy at exit of world”
31 “(reflect , charged) : ener fluence: dE(MeV)/dOmega”
32 “(reflect , charged) : space angle dN/dOmega”
33 “(reflect , charged) : projected angle at exit of world”
40 “(reflect , neutral) : kinetic energy at exit of world”
41 “(reflect , neutral) : ener fluence: dE(MeV)/dOmega”
42 “(reflect , neutral) : space angle dN/dOmega”
43 “(reflect , neutral) : projected angle at exit of world”
44 “energy of PIXE Auger e- at creation”
45 “energy of PIXE gamma at creation”
46 “energy of PIXE Auger e- at creation (log scale)”
47 “energy of PIXE gamma at creation (log scale)”

The histograms can be viewed using ROOT or PAW.

One can control the name of the histograms file with the command:
/analysis/setFileName name (default testem5)

It is possible to choose the format of the histogram file : root (default),
hbook, xml, csv, by using namespace in HistoManager.hh

It is also possible to print selected histograms on an ascii file:
/analysis/h1/setAscii id
All selected histos will be written on a file name.ascii (default testem5)