G4ScoreSplittingProcess() in MT build


I’m trying to run the /extended/medical/DICOM example in MT mode. I’m redirecting the output of the program (ran in batch mode) in a file.
I noticed that the line “G4RunManagerKernel – G4ScoreSplittingProcess is appended to all particles.” is missing from the output only if the program is run in MT mode.
Is this considered a normal behaviour? Does the G4ScoreSplittingProcess is silently appended in MT mode or it is a bug?

Thank you for your time.

Anyone? I think the problem to investigate is how the G4MTRunManagerKernel interacts with the G4RunManagerKernel

Upon further investigation the function SetScoreSplitter() (defined in G4RunManagerKernel) is called by CheckRegularGeometry() that is run only if geometryNeedsToBeClosed is true.
I do not understand why this flag is false in initalization processes of a MT application.

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