How to add several parameterized volumes inside one mother volume?

Are there any ways to put several parameterized volumes inside one mother volume?

Thank you in advance!!!

Do you mean “next to” one another (or even interdigitated)? I’m not sure whether you can do that or not, but it can’t hurt to try. You can certainly place multiple daughters within a given mother volume, so what happens if you place two different parametrized?

If that doesn’t work, you could subdivide your mother volume into adjacent shapes with shared boundary surfaces, and put one of your parametrized into each one of them.

Thank you @mkelsey, I have tried, as you encouraged, by placing 3 parameterizations within a given mother volume. But G4PVReplica does not allow that, it threw out a FatalException ''Replica or parameterized volume must be the only daughter !..".

And for your other suggestion ''If that doesn’t work, you could subdivide your mother volume into adjacent shapes with shared boundary surfaces, and put one of your parametrized into each one of them.": Well, in my case It’s not feasible, because the daughter volumes from each parameterization are interspersed among the daughter volumes from the rest parameterization. (Of course, there is no overlap among them).
Again, thank you for your quick response!

Oh! You’re using G4PVReplica. The documentation is very clear that replicas can be the only daughter (not even regular placements can share the mother). The documentation doesn’t explicitly state that restriction for G4PVParameterised.

hi @mkelsey > No, I used G4PVParameterised. But this class is derived from G4PVReplica, so It will invoke the constructor of G4PVReplica and lead to the FatalException.

Got it. Sorry for the misdirection. We have a similar situation in our detectors, but I punted on putting our two kinds of interleaved sensors in place.