How to get more information in physical volume

I am trying to define a matrix calorimeter.
I have 5×5 modules,I want to get information for each one.
This is my code:

   auto calorimeterS
                          = new G4Box("Calorimeter",     // its name
                                                 calorSizeXY/2, calorSizeXY/2, layerThickness/2); // its size            
 auto calorLV
                           = new G4LogicalVolume(
                                                                  calorimeterS,     // its solid
                                                                  defaultMaterial,  // its material
                                                                 "Calorimeter");   // its name                                                   
                               new G4PVPlacement(
                                                                         0,                // no rotation
                                                             G4ThreeVector(),  // at (0,0,0)
                                                                     calorLV,          // its logical volume
                                                               "Calorimeter",    // its name
                                                                 worldLV,          // its mother  volume
                                                                  false,            // no boolean operation
                                                                     0,                // copy number
                                                          fCheckOverlaps);  // checking overlaps                                   
  auto layerS
                                     = new G4Box("Layer",           // its name
                                                 2.*cm/2, calorSizeXY/2, layerThickness/2); // its size                      
  auto layerLV
                                     = new G4LogicalVolume(
                                                                     layerS,           // its solid
                                                                defaultMaterial,  // its material
                                                                   "Layer");         // its name

                                  new G4PVReplica(
                                                                    "Layer",          // its name
                                                                   layerLV,          // its logical volume
                                                                    calorLV,          // its mother
                                                                   kXAxis,           // axis of replication
                                                             midLayers,        // number of replica
                                                                       2.*cm);  // witdth of replica                                               //  another                                                                                                                                              
        auto aS
              = new G4Box("a",           // its name
                         2.*cm/2, 2.*cm/2,layerThickness/2); // its size                                                                                                                                                                                                                  auto aLV
                       = new G4LogicalVolume(
                                        aS,           // its solid
                               defaultMaterial,  // its material
                                      "a");         // its name
                     new G4PVReplica(
                                    "Layer",          // its name
                                          aLV,          // its logical volume
                                   layerLV,          // its mother
                                   kYAxis,           // axis of replication
                             midLayers,        // number of replica
                                        2.*cm);  // witdth of replice                                                                              // Gap

  auto gapS
                       = new G4Box("Gap",            // its name
                        1.*cm, 1*cm, layerThickness/2); // its size                                                                 
auto gapLV
                    = new G4LogicalVolume(
                            gapS,        // its solid
                          gapMaterial, // its material
                          "Gap");          // its name

                   = new G4PVPlacement(
                        0,                // no rotation
          G4ThreeVector(0., 0., -0.), // its position
                      gapLV,       // its logical volume
                        "Gap",           // its name
                aLV,          // its mother  volume
                false,            // no boolean operation
                        0,                // copy number
            fCheckOverlaps);  // checking overlaps

The copy number in the output is 0 to 4. But I think each module should have own copynumber. How get information for each one. Can you help me modify it?