Microelectronics example- Producing the number of electron-hole pairs

I am trying to change the ‘Microelectronics’ example to produce the number of electron-hole paris created inside the target when shooting an Ion. I’ve changed the outside world’s material to be Vacuum and the target’s material is Silicon. Right now, the simulation gives the number of electrons created inside the target but I don’t think that this number is correct since there are some processes defined in PhysicsList file which I’m not sure if they are necessary (and they affect the above number). Therefore, I’d like to know which processes should be defined that are necessary to get the wanted output. I shoot an Ion so I assume that I should also define some processes for this type of particle- which I am not sure how to do it (right now there are processes related to GenericIon- which is a different particle from the classic Ion).
For example, I expect that an 1MeV energy Ion will produce 1Mev/3.6eV electrons (since 3.6eV is the minimal energy that is possible to produce an electrons). The result may be lower in case of the electrons also have some kinetic energy. But in fact, I’m getting much lower results, even when the kinetic energy is taken into consideration.

Thanks in advance.