Multi-Threading not working on Cluster

Hi everyone,
I am begginer to Geant4, and I would highly appreciate your guidance to the following issue:
I am trying to run my code on a cluster, using multi-threading(MT) mode.
As I run my code on my PC it works in MT mode on its 4 cores. But as I run the code on the cluster it only works in the single-thread mode, and as I change it to MT in it compiles the core but when I run it, it gives the following error:

-------- EEEE ------- G4Exception-START -------- EEEE -------
*** ExceptionHandler is not defined ***
*** G4Exception : Run0107
issued by : G4RunManager::G4RunManager(G4bool)
Geant4 code is compiled without multi-threading support (-DG4MULTITHREADED is set to off). This type of RunManager can only be used in mult-threaded applications.
*** Fatal Exception ***
-------- EEEE ------- G4Exception-END -------- EEEE -------
*** G4Exception: Aborting execution ***
Aborted (core dumped)

I would appreciate any suggestion on this problem.
Thanks in advance for your time.

This should be your best guidance:

Geant4 code is compiled without multi-threading support (-DG4MULTITHREADED is set to off). This type of RunManager can only be used in mult-threaded applications.

The Geant4 code on your cluser was compiled without multi-threading support.

You cannot force the MT run manager to work in a non-MT build. What you should do in your code is to use an #ifdef G4MULTITHREADED block to select the appropriate run manager. This is shown in the examples.

You probably want to talk to your cluster administrators (or whomever built and installed G4 on the cluster) and see if they’ll rebuild it with MT support, or if they have an MT build already in place.