Murge vector of accumulable


I was wondering if it is possible to murge vector of accumulable.
I have vector of accumulable that accumulate edep for each voxel : std::vector<G4Accumulable> edep. The problem is that when use the multithreading, I need to murge the accumulables to be able to get the real edep for each voxel. But it doesn’t work when I try to murge it like this : accumulable-> Murge().
It works when I murge accumulable but doesn’t work when I try to murge vector of accumulable.
How can I do this ?

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For complex types, you need to define your own accumulable object. We provide an example for an std:map in Application Developer Guide:

See the code in the ProcCounterAccumulable.hh and examples.

Best regards,