SetLowEdge below 990 eV for electrons

Dear geant4 experts,

I would like to simulate a [300, 500] keV proton beam getting ionization electrons below 990 eV.
I tried to use /cuts/setLowEdge as suggested in the livermore info page, but the cut still remains for e+/e- and gammas.
To provide an example of what I am saying I did run TestEm18 proton.mac just assing

/testem/phys/addPhysics livermore
/run/setCut 0.1 um
/cuts/setLowEdge 50 eV

and I got

Material : Water
Range cuts : gamma 100 nm e- 100 nm e+ 100 nm proton 100 nm
Energy thresholds : gamma 1 keV e- 1 keV e+ 1 keV proton 10 eV

Maybe is there an additional cut I have to change to go below this 1 keV thresholds?

Thank you in advance,

Alessio Del Dotto

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