There should not be any thread-local G4cout/G4cerr hereafter

I fond this in

if((runManagerKernelType == workerRMK) && (verboseLevel > 0))
    G4cout << "Thread-local UImanager is to be deleted." << G4endl
           << "There should not be any thread-local G4cout/G4cerr hereafter."
           << G4endl;
    verboseLevel = 0;

when I run with muti-thread,this error happened

G4WT3>There should not be any thread-local G4cout/G4cerr hereafter

what dose it mean ?

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It’s not an error - it’s just debug/trace output in the destructor of G4RunManagerKernel (and concrete classes thereof) for worker threads. It’s purely saying that as the worker run manager is being destructed, there’ll be no further logging output from that worker thread. Thus

should be the last output from, in this case, thread 3. All further output will be from other threads, or from the main thread.