Visualisation (?) problems with G4 10.5.1

Hi all,

I recently acquired a Macbook (Intel) with macOS Catalina installed and tried to set-up Geant4 which I regularly use it through ESA’s software GRAS. So far I have been using GRAS (v3) through G4 version 9.6.

For the new system, I installed latest G4 10.7 version and run the B1 example successfully. However, the initial B1 example run was crashing with the /run/beamOn command at the UI with the message:

zsh: illegal hardware instruction ./exampleB1

Browsing through the forum here, I found that using -DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH=/usr/local/opt/qt5/lib/cmake in the Cmake command would solve the problem, and indeed that worked.

However, I could not compile ESA/GRAS (currently v5) with v10.7. Since the latest version of GRAS has been tested with G4 10.5, I attempted to install that Geant version. Installation is succesful, albeit with a large number of warnings (see attached). If I compile G4 version without the DCMAKE_PREFIX_PATH option, then example B1 crashes again at the /run/beamOn command with the same error message. If I build geant with the prefix path defined, running the B1 example crashes with a segmentation error before the UI opens (error output attached).

Running B1 without the UI completes without a problem, so I guess this is a visualization issue (although I am not sure if all warnings I run up to during compilation will cause other problems later).

Any insights on this problem?

Thanks in advance and best wishes for 2021.

PS1: Some extra warnings with v10.5p1 when I try to run exampleB1 are:

objc[43218]: Class RunLoopModeTracker is implemented in both /usr/local/opt/qt/lib/QtCore.framework/Versions/5/QtCore (0x115becae8) and /Users/roussos/opt/anaconda3/lib/libQt5Core.5.9.7.dylib (0x10f5c0a80). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.

objc[43218]: Class QCocoaPageLayoutDelegate is implemented in both /usr/local/opt/qt/lib/QtPrintSupport.framework/Versions/5/QtPrintSupport (0x1148bf470) and /Users/roussos/opt/anaconda3/lib/libQt5PrintSupport.5.9.7.dylib (0x10e94fef0). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.

objc[43218]: Class QCocoaPrintPanelDelegate is implemented in both /usr/local/opt/qt/lib/QtPrintSupport.framework/Versions/5/QtPrintSupport (0x1148bf4e8) and /Users/roussos/opt/anaconda3/lib/libQt5PrintSupport.5.9.7.dylib (0x10e94ff40). One of the two will be used. Which one is undefined.

PS2: I do have both a /usr/local/opt/qt5/lib/cmake & /usr/local/opt/qt/lib/cmake. Not sure if that is a problem

B1error.txt (77.5 KB) make_warnings_10.5p1.txt (96.7 KB)


I think it is very ambitious to compile Geant4 10.5 with a modern version of Qt. So either: use a 2018 version of Qt; or build without Qt. OpenGL alone should work (-DGEANT4_USE_OPENGL_X11=ON)? I know it’s not interactive, but it would get you up and running.

Thank you,

I followed this advice and I can run G4 10.5 & GRAS 5.0 without Qt so far. My attempt to make G4 work with QT v 5.11.2 (from 2018) did not work out, unfortunately, but may try with earlier Qt versions too.