Weird Cross section of TENDL?

Hi, Everyone

I am working on generating neutron with 30 MeV proton using Geant4 (version 4.11)
In my setup, proton is irradiated to Be target and scoring the energy of neutron escaping the target.

I adopted physics package “G4HadronPhysicsQGSP_BIC_AllHP”, and I used G4TENDL cross sections with it.

However, I got strange tracking information like next screens.

The combination of secondaries is impossible with the 9Be(p,n) reaction, the mass number of reaction was not conserved.

Is there any other concept or approximation in TENDL?

Best regards,

This is the expected behaviour, as documented in the Physics Reference Manual
38.1.2 Physics and Verification
Inclusive Cross-sections
Cross-section data is taken from the ENDF/B-VIII.0 [Gro91] and JENDL/DEU-2020 [JENDLDEU2020SNO21] evaluated data libraries for those few elements where data exist. As these isotopes are only a few, most of the isotopes data
are taken from the TENDL data library (version TENDL-2019) which uses the TALYS nuclear model. The format is
exactly the same as for the low energy neutron data libraries. While the energy of the TENDL files goes up to 200
MeV, in the case of ENDF it only reaches 150 MeV for most isotopes and for some is even less.
The treatment of this data is done with the same code as for the low energy neutron package. It should be mentioned
that for all except a few low Z isotopes in the ENDF data library, there is no information about individual decay
channels, but only about the total cross section plus particle yields. Therefore the same remark as for the neutron
package holds: there is no event-by-event conservation of energy, nor of atomic or mass number.