# test31 : two beams in a generator # /run/initialize # # beam 1 # default intensity is 1 now change to 5. /gps/source/intensity 5. # /gps/particle proton /gps/pos/type Beam # # the incident surface is in the y-z plane /gps/pos/rot1 0 1 0 /gps/pos/rot2 0 0 1 # # the beam spot is centered at the origin # it is 1D gaussian shape with a 1 mm central plateau /gps/pos/shape Circle /gps/pos/centre 0. 0. 0. mm /gps/pos/radius 1. mm /gps/pos/sigma_r .2 mm # # the beam is travelling along the x_axis with 5 degrees dispersion /gps/ang/rot1 0 0 1 /gps/ang/rot2 0 1 0 /gps/ang/type beam1d /gps/ang/sigma_r 5. deg # # the beam energy is in gaussian profile centered at 400 MeV /gps/ene/type Gauss /gps/ene/mono 400 MeV /gps/ene/sigma 50. MeV # beam 2 # twice the instensity of beam 1 /gps/source/add 10. # # this is a electron beam /gps/particle e- /gps/pos/type Beam # # the beam spot is 2D gaussian profile with a 1x2 mm2 central plateau # it is in the x-y plane centred at the orgin /gps/pos/centre 0. 0. 0. mm /gps/pos/halfx 0.5 mm /gps/pos/halfy 1. mm /gps/pos/sigma_x 0.1 mm /gps/pos/sigma_y 0.2 mm # # the beam is travelling along -z_axis /gps/ang/type beam2d /gps/ang/sigma_x 2. deg /gps/ang/sigma_y 1. deg # # gaussian energy profile /gps/ene/type Gauss /gps/ene/mono 600 MeV /gps/ene/sigma 50. MeV # # commands below are independent of gps # /analysis/setFileName test31 /analysis/h1/set 1 100 200 800 MeV /analysis/h2/set 1 100 -5 5 mm none linear 100 -5 5 mm none linear #x-y /analysis/h2/set 2 100 -5 5 mm none linear 100 -5 5 mm none linear #y-z /analysis/h2/set 3 100 -5 5 mm none linear 100 -5 5 mm none linear #z-x /analysis/h2/set 5 120 0 360 deg none linear 60 60 120 deg none linear # ##/control/execute vis.mac ##/tracking/verbose 1 # /run/printProgress 10000 # /run/beamOn 100000