# # macro file for TestEm18.cc # /control/verbose 2 /run/verbose 1 # /testem/det/setMat G4_WATER /testem/det/setSize 10 um # /testem/phys/addPhysics standard # /run/setCut 1 km # /process/em/verbose 0 /process/em/printParameters # /run/initialize # /gun/particle proton /gun/energy 1 GeV # /run/beamOn 1000000 ************************************************************** Geant4 version Name: geant4-10-07-ref-02 (28-February-2021) ************************************************************** ======================== run summary ====================== The run was 1000000 proton of 1 GeV through 10 um of G4_WATER (density: 1 g/cm3 ) Process defining step : Transportation=1000000 TrackLength = 10 um nb of steps = 1 stepSize = 10 um (10 um --> 10 um ) Energy continuously deposited along primary track (restricted dE/dx) dE1 = 2.234 keV (64.92 eV --> 3.293 MeV) Evaluation of dE1 from reading restricted Range table : dE1_table = 2.234 keV ---> dE1/dE1_table = 1 Energy transfered to secondary particles : Total energy transfered to secondaries : dE3 = sum of dE2 = 0 eV (2.88e+295 J --> 0 eV ) Total energy lost by incident particle : dE4 = dE1 + dE3 = 2.234 keV (64.92 eV --> 3.293 MeV) calcul of dE4 from energy balance : dE4_bal = E_in - E_out = 2.234 keV (64.92 eV --> 3.293 MeV) Evaluation of dE4 from reading full Range table : dE4_table = 2.234 keV ---> dE4/dE4_table = 1