Environment variable "G4RUN_MANAGER_TYPE" enabled with value == Serial. Overriding G4RunManager type... ################################ !!! G4Backtrace is activated !!! ################################ ************************************************************** Geant4 version Name: geant4-11-00 [MT] (10-December-2021) Copyright : Geant4 Collaboration References : NIM A 506 (2003), 250-303 : IEEE-TNS 53 (2006), 270-278 : NIM A 835 (2016), 186-225 WWW : http://geant4.org/ ************************************************************** <<< Reference Physics List QBBC Visualization Manager instantiating with verbosity "warnings (3)"... Visualization Manager initialising... Registering graphics systems... You have successfully registered the following graphics systems. Registered graphics systems are: ASCIITree (ATree) DAWNFILE (DAWNFILE) G4HepRepFile (HepRepFile) RayTracer (RayTracer) VRML2FILE (VRML2FILE) gMocrenFile (gMocrenFile) OpenGLImmediateQt (OGLIQt, OGLI) OpenGLStoredQt (OGLSQt, OGL, OGLS) OpenGLImmediateXm (OGLIXm, OGLIQt_FALLBACK) OpenGLStoredXm (OGLSXm, OGLSQt_FALLBACK) OpenGLImmediateX (OGLIX, OGLIQt_FALLBACK, OGLIXm_FALLBACK) OpenGLStoredX (OGLSX, OGLSQt_FALLBACK, OGLSXm_FALLBACK) Qt3D (Qt3D) Registering model factories... You have successfully registered the following model factories. Registered model factories: generic drawByAttribute drawByCharge drawByOriginVolume drawByParticleID drawByEncounteredVolume Registered models: None Registered filter factories: attributeFilter chargeFilter originVolumeFilter particleFilter encounteredVolumeFilter Registered filters: None You have successfully registered the following user vis actions. Run Duration User Vis Actions: none End of Event User Vis Actions: none End of Run User Vis Actions: none Some /vis commands (optionally) take a string to specify colour. "/vis/list" to see available colours. /run/verbose 0 /process/em/verbose 0 /process/had/verbose 0 /run/numberOfThreads 1 *** /run/numberOfThreads command is issued in sequential mode. Command is ignored. /run/initialize Checking overlaps for volume Envelope:0 (G4Box) ... OK! Checking overlaps for volume Shape1:0 (G4Cons) ... OK! Checking overlaps for volume Shape2:0 (G4Trd) ... OK! ### Adding tracking cuts for neutron TimeCut(ns)= 10000 KinEnergyCut(MeV)= 0 /gun/particle gamma /gun/energy 6 MeV /run/printProgress 10 /run/beamOn 50 G4VisManager: Using G4TrajectoryDrawByCharge as fallback trajectory model. See commands in /vis/modeling/trajectories/ for other options. ### Run 0 starts. --------- Ranecu engine status --------- Initial seed (index) = 0 Current couple of seeds = 555675652, 180682783 ---------------------------------------- --> Event 0 starts. --> Event 10 starts. --> Event 20 starts. --> Event 30 starts. --> Event 40 starts. --------------------End of Global Run----------------------- The run consists of 50 gamma of 6 MeV Cumulated dose per run, in scoring volume : 1.00898 picoGy rms = 0.606828 picoGy ------------------------------------------------------------ 0 events have been kept for refreshing and/or reviewing. "/vis/reviewKeptEvents" to review them one by one. "/vis/enable", then "/vis/viewer/flush" or "/vis/viewer/rebuild" to see them accumulated. /random/saveThisRun /control/shell cp ./currentRun.rndm ./run0.rndm /run/beamOn 50 ### Run 1 starts. --------- Ranecu engine status --------- Initial seed (index) = 0 Current couple of seeds = 162951101, 94516499 ---------------------------------------- --> Event 0 starts. --> Event 10 starts. --> Event 20 starts. --> Event 30 starts. --> Event 40 starts. --------------------End of Global Run----------------------- The run consists of 50 gamma of 6 MeV Cumulated dose per run, in scoring volume : 3.28455 picoGy rms = 1.0397 picoGy ------------------------------------------------------------ 0 events have been kept for refreshing and/or reviewing. "/vis/reviewKeptEvents" to review them one by one. "/vis/enable", then "/vis/viewer/flush" or "/vis/viewer/rebuild" to see them accumulated. /random/saveThisRun /control/shell cp ./currentRun.rndm ./run1.rndm /random/resetEngineFrom run0.rndm --------- Ranecu engine status --------- Initial seed (index) = 0 Current couple of seeds = 555675652, 180682783 ---------------------------------------- /run/beamOn 50 ### Run 2 starts. --------- Ranecu engine status --------- Initial seed (index) = 0 Current couple of seeds = 555675652, 180682783 ---------------------------------------- --> Event 0 starts. --> Event 10 starts. --> Event 20 starts. --> Event 30 starts. --> Event 40 starts. --------------------End of Global Run----------------------- The run consists of 50 gamma of 6 MeV Cumulated dose per run, in scoring volume : 1.00898 picoGy rms = 0.606828 picoGy ------------------------------------------------------------ 0 events have been kept for refreshing and/or reviewing. "/vis/reviewKeptEvents" to review them one by one. "/vis/enable", then "/vis/viewer/flush" or "/vis/viewer/rebuild" to see them accumulated. /random/resetEngineFrom run1.rndm --------- Ranecu engine status --------- Initial seed (index) = 0 Current couple of seeds = 162951101, 94516499 ---------------------------------------- /run/beamOn 50 ### Run 3 starts. --------- Ranecu engine status --------- Initial seed (index) = 0 Current couple of seeds = 162951101, 94516499 ---------------------------------------- --> Event 0 starts. --> Event 10 starts. --> Event 20 starts. --> Event 30 starts. --> Event 40 starts. --------------------End of Global Run----------------------- The run consists of 50 gamma of 6 MeV Cumulated dose per run, in scoring volume : 3.28455 picoGy rms = 1.0397 picoGy ------------------------------------------------------------ 0 events have been kept for refreshing and/or reviewing. "/vis/reviewKeptEvents" to review them one by one. "/vis/enable", then "/vis/viewer/flush" or "/vis/viewer/rebuild" to see them accumulated. Graphics systems deleted.