************************************************************** Geant4 version Name: geant4-11-03 [MT] (6-December-2024) << in Multi-threaded mode >> Copyright : Geant4 Collaboration References : NIM A 506 (2003), 250-303 : IEEE-TNS 53 (2006), 270-278 : NIM A 835 (2016), 186-225 WWW : http://geant4.org/ ************************************************************** Visualization Manager instantiating with verbosity "warnings (3)"... Visualization Manager initialising... Registering graphics systems... VTK: OpenGL-based drivers suppressed because of compatibility issues. You have successfully registered the following graphics systems. Registered graphics systems are: ASCIITree (ATree) DAWNFILE (DAWNFILE) G4HepRepFile (HepRepFile) RayTracer (RayTracer) VRML2FILE (VRML2FILE) gMocrenFile (gMocrenFile) TOOLSSG_OFFSCREEN (TSG_OFFSCREEN, TSG_FILE) TOOLSSG_QT_ZB (TSG_QT_ZB, TSGQtZB, TSG) VtkNative (VTKN, VTKQt_FALLBACK) VtkOffscreen (VTK_OFFSCREEN) VtkQt (VTKQt, VTKQt, Vtk, VTK) You may choose a graphics system (driver) with a parameter of the command "/vis/open" or "/vis/sceneHandler/create", or you may omit the driver parameter and choose at run time: - by argument in the construction of G4VisExecutive; - by environment variable "G4VIS_DEFAULT_DRIVER"; - by entry in "~/.g4session"; - by build flags. - Note: This feature is not allowed in batch mode. For further information see "examples/basic/B1/exampleB1.cc" and "vis.mac". Registering model factories... You have successfully registered the following model factories. Registered model factories: generic drawByAttribute drawByCharge drawByOriginVolume drawByParticleID drawByEncounteredVolume Registered models: None Registered filter factories: attributeFilter chargeFilter originVolumeFilter particleFilter encounteredVolumeFilter Registered filters: None You have successfully registered the following user vis actions. Run Duration User Vis Actions: none End of Event User Vis Actions: none End of Run User Vis Actions: none Some /vis commands (optionally) take a string to specify colour. "/vis/list" to see available colours. Available UI session types: [ Qt, tcsh, csh ] # Output ignored from worker threads if value greater than available threads /control/cout/ignoreThreadsExcept 0 /control/cout/setCerrFile Errors.txt false /run/verbose 1 ########################## # /testhadr/det/setAbsorMat Li6D /testhadr/det/setContMat Stainless-Steel /testhadr/det/setAbsorRadius 5 mm /run/reinitializeGeometry WARNING: There is no world volume! /testhadr/det/setAbsorLength 10 mm /run/reinitializeGeometry WARNING: There is no world volume! /testhadr/det/setContThick 1.0 mm /run/geometryModified /testhadr/det/setNumCont 1 /run/geometryModified # /run/numberOfThreads 31 /run/initialize ========================================================================================== G4TaskRunManager :: Using G4ThreadPool... ========================================================================================== The Absorber is a cylinder of Li6D radius = 5 mm length = 1 cm The Container is a cylinder of Stainless-Steel thickness = 1 mm The container spacing is = 1 cm The number of container repetions is = 1 Material: Li6D density: 780.000 mg/cm3 RadL: 1.079 m Nucl.Int.Length: 69.197 cm Imean: 33.294 eV temperature: 293.15 K pressure: 1.00 atm ---> Element: enrichedLithium (Li6) Z = 3.0 N = 6 A = 6.400 g/mole ---> Isotope: Li6 Z = 3 N = 6 A = 6.00 g/mole abundance: 60.000 % ---> Isotope: Li7 Z = 3 N = 7 A = 7.00 g/mole abundance: 40.000 % ElmMassFraction: 76.19 % ElmAbundance 50.00 % ---> Element: Deuterium (D) Z = 1.0 N = 2 A = 2.000 g/mole ---> Isotope: Deuteron Z = 1 N = 2 A = 2.00 g/mole abundance: 100.000 % ElmMassFraction: 23.81 % ElmAbundance 50.00 % Material: Stainless-Steel density: 8.000 g/cm3 RadL: 1.740 cm Nucl.Int.Length: 16.672 cm Imean: 282.530 eV temperature: 293.15 K pressure: 1.00 atm ---> Element: Iron (Fe) Z = 26.0 N = 56 A = 55.840 g/mole ---> Isotope: Fe54 Z = 26 N = 54 A = 53.94 g/mole abundance: 5.845 % ---> Isotope: Fe56 Z = 26 N = 56 A = 55.93 g/mole abundance: 91.754 % ---> Isotope: Fe57 Z = 26 N = 57 A = 56.94 g/mole abundance: 2.119 % ---> Isotope: Fe58 Z = 26 N = 58 A = 57.93 g/mole abundance: 0.282 % ElmMassFraction: 74.00 % ElmAbundance 73.31 % ---> Element: Chromium (Cr) Z = 24.0 N = 52 A = 51.990 g/mole ---> Isotope: Cr50 Z = 24 N = 50 A = 49.95 g/mole abundance: 4.345 % ---> Isotope: Cr52 Z = 24 N = 52 A = 51.94 g/mole abundance: 83.789 % ---> Isotope: Cr53 Z = 24 N = 53 A = 52.94 g/mole abundance: 9.501 % ---> Isotope: Cr54 Z = 24 N = 54 A = 53.94 g/mole abundance: 2.365 % ElmMassFraction: 18.00 % ElmAbundance 19.15 % ---> Element: Nickel (Ni) Z = 28.0 N = 59 A = 58.690 g/mole ---> Isotope: Ni58 Z = 28 N = 58 A = 57.94 g/mole abundance: 68.077 % ---> Isotope: Ni60 Z = 28 N = 60 A = 59.93 g/mole abundance: 26.223 % ---> Isotope: Ni61 Z = 28 N = 61 A = 60.93 g/mole abundance: 1.140 % ---> Isotope: Ni62 Z = 28 N = 62 A = 61.93 g/mole abundance: 3.635 % ---> Isotope: Ni64 Z = 28 N = 64 A = 63.93 g/mole abundance: 0.926 % ElmMassFraction: 8.00 % ElmAbundance 7.54 % --- G4CoupledTransportation is used /run/physicsModified ======================================================================= ====== Electromagnetic Physics Parameters ======== ======================================================================= LPM effect enabled 1 Enable creation and use of sampling tables 0 Apply cuts on all EM processes 0 Use combined TransportationWithMsc Disabled Use general process 0 Enable linear polarisation for gamma 0 Enable photoeffect sampling below K-shell 1 Enable sampling of quantum entanglement 0 X-section factor for integral approach 0.8 Min kinetic energy for tables 100 eV Max kinetic energy for tables 100 TeV Number of bins per decade of a table 7 Verbose level 1 Verbose level for worker thread 0 Bremsstrahlung energy threshold above which primary e+- is added to the list of secondary 100 TeV Bremsstrahlung energy threshold above which primary muon/hadron is added to the list of secondary 100 TeV Positron annihilation at rest model SimplePositronium Enable 3 gamma annihilation on fly 0 Lowest triplet kinetic energy 1 MeV Enable sampling of gamma linear polarisation 0 5D gamma conversion model type 0 5D gamma conversion model on isolated ion 0 Use Ricardo-Gerardo pair production model 0 Livermore data directory epics_2017 ======================================================================= ====== Ionisation Parameters ======== ======================================================================= Step function for e+- (0.2, 0.1 mm) Step function for muons/hadrons (0.1, 0.01 mm) Step function for light ions (0.1, 0.01 mm) Step function for general ions (0.1, 0.001 mm) Lowest e+e- kinetic energy 1 keV Lowest muon/hadron kinetic energy 1 keV Use ICRU90 data 0 Fluctuations of dE/dx are enabled 1 Type of fluctuation model for leptons and hadrons Universal Use built-in Birks satuaration 0 Build CSDA range enabled 0 Use cut as a final range enabled 0 Enable angular generator interface 0 Max kinetic energy for CSDA tables 1 GeV Max kinetic energy for NIEL computation 0 eV Linear loss limit 0.01 Read data from file for e+e- pair production by mu 0 ======================================================================= ====== Multiple Scattering Parameters ======== ======================================================================= Type of msc step limit algorithm for e+- 1 Type of msc step limit algorithm for muons/hadrons 0 Msc lateral displacement for e+- enabled 1 Msc lateral displacement for muons and hadrons 0 Urban msc model lateral displacement alg96 1 Range factor for msc step limit for e+- 0.04 Range factor for msc step limit for muons/hadrons 0.2 Geometry factor for msc step limitation of e+- 2.5 Safety factor for msc step limit for e+- 0.6 Skin parameter for msc step limitation of e+- 1 Lambda limit for msc step limit for e+- 1 mm Use Mott correction for e- scattering 0 Factor used for dynamic computation of angular limit between single and multiple scattering 1 Fixed angular limit between single and multiple scattering 3.1416 rad Upper energy limit for e+- multiple scattering 100 MeV Type of electron single scattering model 0 Type of nuclear form-factor 1 Screening factor 1 ======================================================================= Rayl: for gamma SubType=11 BuildTable=1 Lambda table from 100 eV to 150 keV, 7 bins/decade, spline: 0 LambdaPrime table from 150 keV to 100 TeV in 62 bins ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== LivermoreRayleigh : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV CullenGenerator phot: for gamma SubType=12 BuildTable=0 LambdaPrime table from 200 keV to 100 TeV in 61 bins ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== PhotoElectric : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV SauterGavrila Fluo compt: for gamma SubType=13 BuildTable=1 Lambda table from 100 eV to 1 MeV, 7 bins/decade, spline: 1 LambdaPrime table from 1 MeV to 100 TeV in 56 bins ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== Klein-Nishina : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV conv: for gamma SubType=14 BuildTable=1 Lambda table from 1.022 MeV to 100 TeV, 18 bins/decade, spline: 1 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== BetheHeitlerLPM : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV ModifiedTsai msc: for e- SubType= 10 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== UrbanMsc : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV Nbins=84 100 eV - 100 TeV StepLim=UseSafety Rfact=0.04 Gfact=2.5 Sfact=0.6 DispFlag:1 Skin=1 Llim=1 mm eIoni: for e- XStype:1 SubType=2 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins/decade, spline: 1 StepFunction=(0.2, 0.1 mm), integ: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLim= 0.01 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== MollerBhabha : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV eBrem: for e- XStype:3 SubType=3 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins/decade, spline: 1 LPM flag: 1 for E > 1 GeV, VertexHighEnergyTh(GeV)= 100000 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== eBremSB : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 1 GeV ModifiedTsai eBremLPM : Emin= 1 GeV Emax= 100 TeV ModifiedTsai msc: for e+ SubType= 10 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== UrbanMsc : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV Nbins=84 100 eV - 100 TeV StepLim=UseSafety Rfact=0.04 Gfact=2.5 Sfact=0.6 DispFlag:1 Skin=1 Llim=1 mm eIoni: for e+ XStype:1 SubType=2 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins/decade, spline: 1 StepFunction=(0.2, 0.1 mm), integ: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLim= 0.01 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== MollerBhabha : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV eBrem: for e+ XStype:3 SubType=3 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins/decade, spline: 1 LPM flag: 1 for E > 1 GeV, VertexHighEnergyTh(GeV)= 100000 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== eBremSB : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 1 GeV ModifiedTsai eBremLPM : Emin= 1 GeV Emax= 100 TeV ModifiedTsai annihil: for e+ XStype:2 SubType=5 AtRestModel:Simple BuildTable=0 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== eplus2gg : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV msc: for proton SubType= 10 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== UrbanMsc : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV Nbins=84 100 eV - 100 TeV StepLim=Minimal Rfact=0.2 Gfact=2.5 Sfact=0.6 DispFlag:0 Skin=1 Llim=1 mm hIoni: for proton XStype:1 SubType=2 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins/decade, spline: 1 StepFunction=(0.1, 0.01 mm), integ: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLim= 0.01 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== Bragg : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 2 MeV BetheBloch : Emin= 2 MeV Emax= 100 TeV msc: for GenericIon SubType= 10 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== UrbanMsc : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV StepLim=Minimal Rfact=0.2 Gfact=2.5 Sfact=0.6 DispFlag:0 Skin=1 Llim=1 mm ionIoni: for GenericIon XStype:1 SubType=2 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins/decade, spline: 1 StepFunction=(0.1, 0.001 mm), integ: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLim= 0.02 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== ParamICRU73 : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV deltaVI nuclearStopping: for GenericIon SubType=8 BuildTable=0 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== ICRU49NucStopping : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 10 GeV msc: for alpha SubType= 10 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== UrbanMsc : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV StepLim=Minimal Rfact=0.2 Gfact=2.5 Sfact=0.6 DispFlag:0 Skin=1 Llim=1 mm ionIoni: for alpha XStype:1 SubType=2 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins/decade, spline: 1 StepFunction=(0.1, 0.01 mm), integ: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLim= 0.02 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== BraggIon : Emin= 0 eV Emax=7.9452 MeV BetheBloch : Emin=7.9452 MeV Emax= 100 TeV nuclearStopping: for alpha SubType=8 BuildTable=0 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== ICRU49NucStopping : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 10 GeV msc: for anti_proton SubType= 10 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== UrbanMsc : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV Nbins=84 100 eV - 100 TeV StepLim=Minimal Rfact=0.2 Gfact=2.5 Sfact=0.6 DispFlag:0 Skin=1 Llim=1 mm hIoni: for anti_proton XStype:1 SubType=2 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins/decade, spline: 1 StepFunction=(0.1, 0.01 mm), integ: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLim= 0.01 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== ICRU73QO : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 2 MeV BetheBloch : Emin= 2 MeV Emax= 100 TeV msc: for kaon+ SubType= 10 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== UrbanMsc : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV Nbins=84 100 eV - 100 TeV StepLim=Minimal Rfact=0.2 Gfact=2.5 Sfact=0.6 DispFlag:0 Skin=1 Llim=1 mm hIoni: for kaon+ XStype:1 SubType=2 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins/decade, spline: 1 StepFunction=(0.1, 0.01 mm), integ: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLim= 0.01 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== Bragg : Emin= 0 eV Emax=1.05231 MeV BetheBloch : Emin=1.05231 MeV Emax= 100 TeV msc: for kaon- SubType= 10 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== UrbanMsc : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV Nbins=84 100 eV - 100 TeV StepLim=Minimal Rfact=0.2 Gfact=2.5 Sfact=0.6 DispFlag:0 Skin=1 Llim=1 mm hIoni: for kaon- XStype:1 SubType=2 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins/decade, spline: 1 StepFunction=(0.1, 0.01 mm), integ: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLim= 0.01 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== ICRU73QO : Emin= 0 eV Emax=1.05231 MeV BetheBloch : Emin=1.05231 MeV Emax= 100 TeV msc: for mu+ SubType= 10 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== UrbanMsc : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV Nbins=84 100 eV - 100 TeV StepLim=Minimal Rfact=0.2 Gfact=2.5 Sfact=0.6 DispFlag:0 Skin=1 Llim=1 mm muIoni: for mu+ XStype:1 SubType=2 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins/decade, spline: 1 StepFunction=(0.1, 0.01 mm), integ: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLim= 0.01 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== Bragg : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 200 keV MuBetheBloch : Emin= 200 keV Emax= 100 TeV muBrems: for mu+ XStype:1 SubType=3 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins/decade, spline: 1 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== MuBrem : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV ModifiedMephi muPairProd: for mu+ XStype:1 SubType=4 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins/decade, spline: 1 Sampling table 21x1001; from 0.85 GeV to 100 TeV ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== muPairProd : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV ModifiedMephi msc: for mu- SubType= 10 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== UrbanMsc : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV Nbins=84 100 eV - 100 TeV StepLim=Minimal Rfact=0.2 Gfact=2.5 Sfact=0.6 DispFlag:0 Skin=1 Llim=1 mm muIoni: for mu- XStype:1 SubType=2 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins/decade, spline: 1 StepFunction=(0.1, 0.01 mm), integ: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLim= 0.01 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== ICRU73QO : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 200 keV MuBetheBloch : Emin= 200 keV Emax= 100 TeV muBrems: for mu- XStype:1 SubType=3 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins/decade, spline: 1 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== MuBrem : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV ModifiedMephi muPairProd: for mu- XStype:1 SubType=4 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins/decade, spline: 1 Sampling table 21x1001; from 0.85 GeV to 100 TeV ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== muPairProd : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV ModifiedMephi msc: for pi+ SubType= 10 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== UrbanMsc : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV Nbins=84 100 eV - 100 TeV StepLim=Minimal Rfact=0.2 Gfact=2.5 Sfact=0.6 DispFlag:0 Skin=1 Llim=1 mm hIoni: for pi+ XStype:1 SubType=2 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins/decade, spline: 1 StepFunction=(0.1, 0.01 mm), integ: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLim= 0.01 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== Bragg : Emin= 0 eV Emax=297.505 keV BetheBloch : Emin=297.505 keV Emax= 100 TeV msc: for pi- SubType= 10 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== UrbanMsc : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV Nbins=84 100 eV - 100 TeV StepLim=Minimal Rfact=0.2 Gfact=2.5 Sfact=0.6 DispFlag:0 Skin=1 Llim=1 mm hIoni: for pi- XStype:1 SubType=2 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 84 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 7 bins/decade, spline: 1 StepFunction=(0.1, 0.01 mm), integ: 1, fluct: 1, linLossLim= 0.01 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== ICRU73QO : Emin= 0 eV Emax=297.505 keV BetheBloch : Emin=297.505 keV Emax= 100 TeV ========================================================================= --> G4TaskRunManager::CreateAndStartWorkers() --> Initializing workers... ========================================================================= G4WT0 > /control/cout/ignoreThreadsExcept 0 G4WT0 > /control/cout/setCerrFile Errors.txt false G4WT0 > /run/verbose 1 G4WT0 > /run/reinitializeGeometry G4WT0 > /run/reinitializeGeometry G4WT0 > /run/geometryModified G4WT0 > /run/geometryModified G4WT0 > /run/initialize G4WT0 > /run/physicsModified G4WT0 > /control/verbose 2 G4WT0 > /control/cout/ignoreThreadsExcept 0 G4WT0 > /control/cout/setCerrFile Errors.txt false G4WT0 > /run/verbose 1 G4WT0 > /run/reinitializeGeometry G4WT0 > /run/reinitializeGeometry G4WT0 > /run/geometryModified G4WT0 > /run/geometryModified G4WT0 > /run/initialize G4WT0 > /run/physicsModified #/control/execute visVTK.mac # # Set a very high time threshold to allow all decays to happen /process/had/rdm/thresholdForVeryLongDecayTime 1.0e+60 year # /testhadr/gun/DefaultBeamPosition false #/gps/particle neutron #/gps/energy 0.025 eV #/gps/position 0.0 0.0 -1.5 cm #/gps/direction 0 0 1 /gun/particle neutron #/gun/energy 0.025 eV /gun/energy 1 keV /gun/position 0.0 0.0 -1.0 cm /gun/direction 0 0 1 #/gun/particle gamma #/gun/energy 1. MeV #/gun/position 0. 0. 1. cm #/gun/direction 0 0 -1 # /analysis/setFileName Li6D /analysis/h1/set 3 100 0. 10. MeV /analysis/h1/set 4 100 0. 10. MeV /analysis/h1/set 6 60 0. 20. MeV /analysis/h1/set 14 60 -10. 10. mm /analysis/h1/set 15 100 0 0.1 year /analysis/h1/set 16 100 0. 2. keV /analysis/ntuple/setActivationToAll true #/analysis/ntuple/setActivation 0 #/analysis/h3/setAscii 1 ########################## # # define scoring mesh # /score/create/boxMesh boxMesh_1 /score/mesh/boxSize 0.5 0.5 0.5 cm /score/mesh/nBin 30 30 30 .... G4ScoringMessenger::MeshBinCommand - G4ScoringBox # # define scorers and filters # /score/quantity/energyDeposit eDep /score/quantity/nOfStep nOfStepGamma /score/filter/particle gammaFilter gamma /score/quantity/nOfStep nOfStepNeutron /score/filter/particle neutronFilter neutron /score/quantity/nOfSecondary secondaryTriton /score/filter/particle tritonFilter triton # /score/close /run/printProgress 10000 /run/beamOn 1000 /run/geometryModified ========= Table of registered couples ============================ Index : 0 used in the geometry : Yes Material : Air Range cuts : gamma 10 km e- 10 km e+ 10 km proton 0 fm Energy thresholds : gamma 9.54965 GeV e- 9.54965 GeV e+ 9.54965 GeV proton 0 eV Region(s) which use this couple : DefaultRegionForTheWorld Index : 1 used in the geometry : Yes Material : Stainless-Steel Range cuts : gamma 10 km e- 10 km e+ 10 km proton 0 fm Energy thresholds : gamma 9.54965 GeV e- 9.54965 GeV e+ 9.54965 GeV proton 0 eV Region(s) which use this couple : DefaultRegionForTheWorld Index : 2 used in the geometry : Yes Material : Li6D Range cuts : gamma 10 km e- 10 km e+ 10 km proton 0 fm Energy thresholds : gamma 9.54965 GeV e- 9.54965 GeV e+ 9.54965 GeV proton 0 eV Region(s) which use this couple : DefaultRegionForTheWorld ================================================================== ### Run 0 starts. --------- Ranecu engine status --------- Initial seed (index) = 0 Current couple of seeds = 1091495017, 1847868313 ---------------------------------------- the number of volumeReps for ntuple is 1 fCurrentNtupleId = 1 ntuple activation of ntuple 1 is 1 ntuple number 1 /run/geometryModified the number of volumeReps for 3d histogram is 1 ... set ntuple merging row mode : row-wise - done ... create file : Li6D.root - done ... open analysis file : Li6D.root - done ... open main analysis file : Li6D.root - done G4WT0 > /process/had/rdm/thresholdForVeryLongDecayTime 1.0e+60 year G4WT0 > /testhadr/gun/DefaultBeamPosition false G4WT0 > /gun/particle neutron G4WT0 > /gun/energy 1 keV G4WT0 > /gun/position 0.0 0.0 -1.0 cm G4WT0 > /gun/direction 0 0 1 G4WT0 > /analysis/setFileName Li6D G4WT0 > /analysis/h1/set 3 100 0. 10. MeV G4WT0 > /analysis/h1/set 4 100 0. 10. MeV G4WT0 > /analysis/h1/set 6 60 0. 20. MeV G4WT0 > /analysis/h1/set 14 60 -10. 10. mm G4WT0 > /analysis/h1/set 15 100 0 0.1 year G4WT0 > /analysis/h1/set 16 100 0. 2. keV G4WT0 > /analysis/ntuple/setActivationToAll true G4WT0 > /score/create/boxMesh boxMesh_1 G4WT0 > /score/mesh/boxSize 0.5 0.5 0.5 cm G4WT0 > /score/mesh/nBin 30 30 30 G4WT0 > .... G4ScoringMessenger::MeshBinCommand - G4ScoringBox G4WT0 > /score/quantity/energyDeposit eDep G4WT0 > /score/quantity/nOfStep nOfStepGamma G4WT0 > /score/filter/particle gammaFilter gamma G4WT0 > /score/quantity/nOfStep nOfStepNeutron G4WT0 > /score/filter/particle neutronFilter neutron G4WT0 > /score/quantity/nOfSecondary secondaryTriton G4WT0 > /score/filter/particle tritonFilter triton G4WT0 > /score/close G4WT0 > /run/printProgress 10000 G4WT0 > /run/geometryModified G4WT0 > /run/geometryModified ========================================================================================== --> G4TaskRunManager::CreateAndStartWorkers() --> Creating 32 tasks with 31 events/task... ========================================================================================== G4WT0 > ### Run 0 starts on worker thread 0. G4WT0 > the number of volumeReps for ntuple is 1 G4WT0 > fCurrentNtupleId = 1 G4WT0 > ntuple activation of ntuple 1is 1 G4WT0 > ntuple number 1 G4WT0 > /run/geometryModified G4WT0 > the number of volumeReps for 3d histogram is 1 G4WT0 > ... set ntuple merging row mode : row-wise - done G4WT0 > the copy number is 1 G4WT0 > the copy number2 is 1 G4WT0 > ntuple activation of id 1 is -------- WWWW ------- G4Exception-START -------- WWWW ------- *** G4Exception : Analysis_W001 issued by : G4RootPNtupleManager::GetActivation ntuple description id= 1 does not exist. *** This is just a warning message. *** -------- WWWW -------- G4Exception-END --------- WWWW ------- G4WT0 > 0 G4WT0 > fSampleRepetitions 1 G4WT0 > -------- WWWW ------- G4Exception-START -------- WWWW ------- *** G4Exception : Analysis_W001 issued by : G4RootPNtupleManager::GetActivation ntuple description id= 1 does not exist. *** This is just a warning message. *** -------- WWWW -------- G4Exception-END --------- WWWW ------- G4WT0 > Skipping FillNtupleIColumn for 1 G4WT0 > -------- WWWW ------- G4Exception-START -------- WWWW ------- *** G4Exception : Analysis_W001 issued by : G4RootPNtupleManager::GetActivation ntuple description id= 1 does not exist. *** This is just a warning message. *** -------- WWWW -------- G4Exception-END --------- WWWW ------- G4WT0 > Skipping FillNtupleIColumn for 1 G4WT0 > the copy number is 1 G4WT0 > the copy number2 is 1 G4WT0 > ntuple activation of id 1 is 1 G4WT0 > fSampleRepetitions 1 G4WT0 > the copy number is 1 G4WT0 > the copy number2 is 1 G4WT0 > ntuple activation of id 1 is 1 G4WT0 > fSampleRepetitions 1 G4WT0 > the copy number is 1 G4WT0 > the copy number2 is 1 G4WT0 > ntuple activation of id 1 is 1 G4WT0 > fSampleRepetitions 1 G4WT0 > the copy number is 1 G4WT0 > the copy number2 is 1 G4WT0 > ntuple activation of id 1 is 1 G4WT0 > fSampleRepetitions 1 G4WT0 > the copy number is 1 G4WT0 > the copy number2 is 1 G4WT0 > ntuple activation of id 1 is 1 G4WT0 > fSampleRepetitions 1 G4WT0 > the copy number is 1 G4WT0 > the copy number2 is 1 G4WT0 > ntuple activation of id 1 is 1 G4WT0 > fSampleRepetitions 1 G4WT0 > [thread 0] Thread-local run terminated. G4WT0 > [thread 0] Run Summary G4WT0 > [thread 0] Number of events processed : 31 G4WT0 > [thread 0] User=0.070000s Real=0.009751s Sys=0.020000s [Cpu=923.0%] Run terminated. Run Summary Number of events processed : 1000 User=3.700000s Real=1.789487s Sys=16.760000s [Cpu=1143.3%] The run is 1000 neutron of 1 keV within Li6D (D = 1 cm L = 1 cm ) Process calls frequency : CoupledTransportation= 3836 Decay= 147 NoProcess= 492 RadioactiveDecay= 2 boxMesh_1= 29434 hIoni= 720 hadElastic= 347 ionIoni= 391 neutronInelastic= 147 List of generated particles (with meanLife != 0) : Cr50: 2 Emean = 27.153 eV ( 2.6531 eV --> 51.654 eV ) mean life = 1.8768e+18 y Cr52: 7 Emean = 16.333 eV ( 5.1789 eV --> 34.365 eV ) stable Cr53: 5 Emean = 32.545 eV ( 3.145 eV --> 68.449 eV ) stable Fe56: 110 Emean = 27.582 eV ( 612.97 meV --> 69.503 eV ) stable Fe58: 1 Emean = 15.927 eV ( 15.927 eV --> 15.927 eV ) stable Li6: 14 Emean = 191.48 eV ( 13.759 eV --> 401.44 eV ) stable Li7: 29 Emean = 180.14 eV ( 9.2924 eV --> 436.39 eV ) stable Ni58: 17 Emean = 30.988 eV ( 374.02 meV --> 63.223 eV ) stable Ni60: 1 Emean = 56.67 eV ( 56.67 eV --> 56.67 eV ) stable alpha: 147 Emean = 2.0568 MeV ( 2.032 MeV --> 2.0837 MeV) stable deuteron: 161 Emean = 446.85 eV ( 3.9329 eV --> 889.54 eV ) stable triton: 147 Emean = 2.731 MeV ( 2.7041 MeV --> 2.7559 MeV) mean life = 17.774 y Mean energy deposit per event = 703.89 keV; rms = 1.6954 MeV Mean energy flow per event = 776.84 eV ; rms = 375.77 eV List of particles emerging from the container : neutron: 852 Emean = 911.78 eV ( 112.61 eV --> 1 keV) Eflow/event = 776.84 eV ... write file : Li6D.root - done ... close file : Li6D.root - done --------- Ranecu engine status --------- Initial seed (index) = 0 Current couple of seeds = 1125127937, 938601676 ---------------------------------------- ########################## /score/dumpAllQuantitiesToFile boxMesh_1 Li6D.csv /score/dumpQuantityToFile boxMesh_1 nOfStepNeutron Li6DNeutrons.csv /score/dumpQuantityToFile boxMesh_1 secondaryTriton Li6DTriton.csv #/score/drawProjection boxMesh_1 secondaryTriton #/vis/vtk/export vtp vtk_test Graphics systems deleted. Visualization Manager deleting... G4WT0 > ================== Deleting memory pools =================== G4WT0 > Number of memory pools allocated: 11; of which, static: 0 G4WT0 > Dynamic pools deleted: 11 / Total memory freed: 0.026 MB G4WT0 > ============================================================ ================== Deleting memory pools =================== Number of memory pools allocated: 4; of which, static: 0 Dynamic pools deleted: 4 / Total memory freed: 0.0058 MB ============================================================