# # Macro file for "TestEm1.cc" # /control/verbose 1 /run/verbose 1 # /testem/det/setMat G4_Te /testem/det/setSize 2 cm # /testem/phys/addPhysics local ###/testem/phys/addPhysics emstandard_opt4 # /run/initialize # # no Compton nor conversion /process/inactivate compt /process/inactivate conv # /process/em/augerCascade true /process/em/deexcitationIgnoreCut true # # prevent ionisation and bremsstrahlung production /run/setCut 1 m # /testem/gun/setDefault /gun/particle gamma /gun/energy 80 keV /gun/position 0 0 0 mm # ### to print few events /tracking/verbose 2 /run/beamOn 2 /tracking/verbose 0 # /analysis/setFileName atomicDeexc1 /analysis/h1/set 4 100 79 81 keV #total edep /analysis/h1/set 5 50000 0.001 50. keV #energy of e- /analysis/h1/set 6 50000 0.001 50. keV #energy of gamma # /run/printProgress 100000 /run/beamOn 1000000