======================================================================= ====== Electromagnetic Physics Parameters ======== ======================================================================= LPM effect enabled 1 Enable creation and use of sampling tables 0 Apply cuts on all EM processes 0 Use combined TransportationWithMsc Disabled Use general process 0 Enable linear polarisation for gamma 1 Enable photoeffect sampling below K-shell 1 Enable sampling of quantum entanglement 0 X-section factor for integral approach 0.8 Min kinetic energy for tables 100 eV Max kinetic energy for tables 100 TeV Number of bins per decade of a table 20 Verbose level 1 Verbose level for worker thread 0 Bremsstrahlung energy threshold above which primary e+- is added to the list of secondary 100 TeV Bremsstrahlung energy threshold above which primary muon/hadron is added to the list of secondary 100 TeV Lowest triplet kinetic energy 1 MeV Enable sampling of gamma linear polarisation 1 5D gamma conversion model type 0 5D gamma conversion model on isolated ion 0 Livermore data directory epics_2017 ======================================================================= ====== Ionisation Parameters ======== ======================================================================= Step function for e+- (0.2, 0.01 mm) Step function for muons/hadrons (0.1, 0.05 mm) Step function for light ions (0.1, 0.02 mm) Step function for general ions (0.1, 0.001 mm) Lowest e+e- kinetic energy 100 eV Lowest muon/hadron kinetic energy 1 keV Use ICRU90 data 1 Fluctuations of dE/dx are enabled 1 Type of fluctuation model for leptons and hadrons Urban Use built-in Birks satuaration 0 Build CSDA range enabled 0 Use cut as a final range enabled 0 Enable angular generator interface 1 Max kinetic energy for CSDA tables 1 GeV Max kinetic energy for NIEL computation 1 MeV Linear loss limit 0.01 Read data from file for e+e- pair production by mu 0 ======================================================================= ====== Multiple Scattering Parameters ======== ======================================================================= Type of msc step limit algorithm for e+- 2 Type of msc step limit algorithm for muons/hadrons 0 Msc lateral displacement for e+- enabled 1 Msc lateral displacement for muons and hadrons 1 Urban msc model lateral displacement alg96 1 Range factor for msc step limit for e+- 0.08 Range factor for msc step limit for muons/hadrons 0.2 Geometry factor for msc step limitation of e+- 2.5 Safety factor for msc step limit for e+- 0.6 Skin parameter for msc step limitation of e+- 3 Lambda limit for msc step limit for e+- 1 mm Use Mott correction for e- scattering 1 Factor used for dynamic computation of angular limit between single and multiple scattering 1 Fixed angular limit between single and multiple scattering 3.1416 rad Upper energy limit for e+- multiple scattering 100 MeV Type of electron single scattering model 0 Type of nuclear form-factor 1 Screening factor 1 ======================================================================= ====== Atomic Deexcitation Parameters ======== ======================================================================= Fluorescence enabled 1 Directory in G4LEDATA for fluorescence data files fluor Auger electron cascade enabled 1 PIXE atomic de-excitation enabled 0 De-excitation module ignores cuts 1 Type of PIXE cross section for hadrons Empirical Type of PIXE cross section for e+- Livermore ======================================================================= ### === Deexcitation model UAtomDeexcitation is activated for 1 region: DefaultRegionForTheWorld 1 1 1 ### === G4UAtomicDeexcitation::InitialiseForNewRun() ### === Auger flag: 1 ### === Ignore cuts flag: 1 ### === PIXE model for hadrons: Empirical ### === PIXE model for e+-: Livermore phot: for gamma SubType=12 BuildTable=0 LambdaPrime table from 200 keV to 100 TeV in 174 bins ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== LivermorePhElectric : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV AngularGenSauterGavrilaPolarized Fluo compt: for gamma SubType=13 BuildTable=1 Lambda table from 100 eV to 1 MeV, 20 bins/decade, spline: 1 LambdaPrime table from 1 MeV to 100 TeV in 160 bins ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== LivermorePolarizedCompton : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 20 MeV Fluo KleinNishina : Emin= 20 MeV Emax= 100 TeV Fluo conv: for gamma SubType=14 BuildTable=1 Lambda table from 1.022 MeV to 100 TeV, 20 bins/decade, spline: 1 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== Livermore5DConversion : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV ModifiedTsai Rayl: for gamma SubType=11 BuildTable=1 Lambda table from 100 eV to 150 keV, 20 bins/decade, spline: 0 LambdaPrime table from 150 keV to 100 TeV in 176 bins ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== LivermorePolarizedRayleigh : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV msc: for e- SubType= 10 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== GoudsmitSaunderson : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 MeV Nbins=120 100 eV - 100 MeV StepLim=SafetyPlus Rfact=0.08 Gfact=2.5 Sfact=0.6 DispFlag:1 Skin=3 Llim=1 mm WentzelVIUni : Emin= 100 MeV Emax= 100 TeV Nbins=120 100 MeV - 100 TeV StepLim=SafetyPlus Rfact=0.08 Gfact=2.5 Sfact=0.6 DispFlag:1 Skin=3 Llim=1 mm eIoni: for e- XStype:3 SubType=2 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 240 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 20 bins/decade, spline: 1 StepFunction=(0.2, 0.01 mm), integ: 3, fluct: 1, linLossLim= 0.01 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== LowEnergyIoni : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 keV deltaVI MollerBhabha : Emin= 100 keV Emax= 100 TeV deltaVI eBrem: for e- XStype:4 SubType=3 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 240 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 20 bins/decade, spline: 1 LPM flag: 1 for E > 1 GeV, VertexHighEnergyTh(GeV)= 100000 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== eBremSB : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 1 GeV AngularGen2BS eBremLPM : Emin= 1 GeV Emax= 100 TeV AngularGen2BS ePairProd: for e- XStype:1 SubType=4 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 240 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 20 bins/decade, spline: 0 Sampling table 25x1001; from 0.1 GeV to 100 TeV ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== ePairProd : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV ModifiedMephi CoulombScat: for e- XStype:1 SubType=1 BuildTable=1 Lambda table from 100 MeV to 100 TeV, 20 bins/decade, spline: 0 ThetaMin(p) < Theta(degree) < 180; pLimit(GeV^1)= 0.139531 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== eCoulombScattering : Emin= 100 MeV Emax= 100 TeV msc: for e+ SubType= 10 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== GoudsmitSaunderson : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 MeV Nbins=120 100 eV - 100 MeV StepLim=SafetyPlus Rfact=0.08 Gfact=2.5 Sfact=0.6 DispFlag:1 Skin=3 Llim=1 mm WentzelVIUni : Emin= 100 MeV Emax= 100 TeV Nbins=120 100 MeV - 100 TeV StepLim=SafetyPlus Rfact=0.08 Gfact=2.5 Sfact=0.6 DispFlag:1 Skin=3 Llim=1 mm eIoni: for e+ XStype:3 SubType=2 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 240 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 20 bins/decade, spline: 1 StepFunction=(0.2, 0.01 mm), integ: 3, fluct: 1, linLossLim= 0.01 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== MollerBhabha : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV deltaVI eBrem: for e+ XStype:4 SubType=3 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 240 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 20 bins/decade, spline: 1 LPM flag: 1 for E > 1 GeV, VertexHighEnergyTh(GeV)= 100000 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== eBremSB : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 1 GeV AngularGen2BS eBremLPM : Emin= 1 GeV Emax= 100 TeV AngularGen2BS ePairProd: for e+ XStype:1 SubType=4 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 240 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 20 bins/decade, spline: 0 Sampling table 25x1001; from 0.1 GeV to 100 TeV ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== ePairProd : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV ModifiedMephi annihil: for e+ XStype:2 SubType=5 BuildTable=0 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== eplus2gg : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV CoulombScat: for e+ XStype:1 SubType=1 BuildTable=1 Lambda table from 100 MeV to 100 TeV, 20 bins/decade, spline: 0 ThetaMin(p) < Theta(degree) < 180; pLimit(GeV^1)= 0.139531 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== eCoulombScattering : Emin= 100 MeV Emax= 100 TeV msc: for proton SubType= 10 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== WentzelVIUni : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV Nbins=240 100 eV - 100 TeV StepLim=Minimal Rfact=0.2 Gfact=2.5 Sfact=0.6 DispFlag:1 Skin=3 Llim=1 mm hIoni: for proton XStype:3 SubType=2 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 240 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 20 bins/decade, spline: 1 StepFunction=(0.1, 0.05 mm), integ: 3, fluct: 1, linLossLim= 0.01 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== Bragg : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 2 MeV deltaVI BetheBloch : Emin= 2 MeV Emax= 100 TeV deltaVI hBrems: for proton XStype:1 SubType=3 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 240 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 20 bins/decade, spline: 0 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== hBrem : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV ModifiedMephi hPairProd: for proton XStype:1 SubType=4 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 240 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 20 bins/decade, spline: 0 Sampling table 17x1001; from 7.50618 GeV to 100 TeV ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== hPairProd : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV ModifiedMephi CoulombScat: for proton XStype:1 SubType=1 BuildTable=1 Lambda table from threshold to 100 TeV, 20 bins/decade, spline: 0 ThetaMin(p) < Theta(degree) < 180; pLimit(GeV^1)= 0.139531 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== eCoulombScattering : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV nuclearStopping: for proton SubType=8 BuildTable=0 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== ICRU49NucStopping : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 1 MeV msc: for GenericIon SubType= 10 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== UrbanMsc : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV StepLim=Minimal Rfact=0.2 Gfact=2.5 Sfact=0.6 DispFlag:1 Skin=3 Llim=1 mm ionIoni: for GenericIon XStype:3 SubType=2 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 240 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 20 bins/decade, spline: 1 StepFunction=(0.1, 0.001 mm), integ: 3, fluct: 1, linLossLim= 0.02 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== LindhardSorensen : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV deltaVI nuclearStopping: for GenericIon SubType=8 BuildTable=0 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== ICRU49NucStopping : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 1 MeV ====================================================================== ====== Radioactive Decay Physics Parameters ======= ====================================================================== min MeanLife (from G4NuclideTable) 0.14427 ps Max life time (from G4DeexPrecoParameters) 1000 ps Internal e- conversion flag 1 Stored internal conversion coefficients 1 Enabled atomic relaxation mode 1 Enable correlated gamma emission 0 Max 2J for sampling of angular correlations 10 Atomic de-excitation enabled 1 Auger electron emission enabled 1 Check EM cuts disabled for atomic de-excitation 1 Use Bearden atomic level energies 0 Use ANSTO fluorescence model 0 Threshold for very long decay time at rest 3.171e+10 y ====================================================================== msc: for alpha SubType= 10 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== UrbanMsc : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV StepLim=Minimal Rfact=0.2 Gfact=2.5 Sfact=0.6 DispFlag:1 Skin=3 Llim=1 mm ionIoni: for alpha XStype:3 SubType=2 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 240 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 20 bins/decade, spline: 1 StepFunction=(0.1, 0.02 mm), integ: 3, fluct: 1, linLossLim= 0.02 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== BraggIon : Emin= 0 eV Emax=7.9452 MeV deltaVI BetheBloch : Emin=7.9452 MeV Emax= 100 TeV deltaVI nuclearStopping: for alpha SubType=8 BuildTable=0 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== ICRU49NucStopping : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 1 MeV msc: for anti_proton SubType= 10 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== WentzelVIUni : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV Nbins=240 100 eV - 100 TeV StepLim=Minimal Rfact=0.2 Gfact=2.5 Sfact=0.6 DispFlag:1 Skin=3 Llim=1 mm hIoni: for anti_proton XStype:3 SubType=2 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 240 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 20 bins/decade, spline: 1 StepFunction=(0.1, 0.05 mm), integ: 3, fluct: 1, linLossLim= 0.01 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== ICRU73QO : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 2 MeV deltaVI BetheBloch : Emin= 2 MeV Emax= 100 TeV deltaVI hBrems: for anti_proton XStype:1 SubType=3 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 240 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 20 bins/decade, spline: 0 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== hBrem : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV ModifiedMephi hPairProd: for anti_proton XStype:1 SubType=4 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 240 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 20 bins/decade, spline: 0 Sampling table 17x1001; from 7.50618 GeV to 100 TeV ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== hPairProd : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV ModifiedMephi CoulombScat: for anti_proton XStype:1 SubType=1 BuildTable=1 Lambda table from threshold to 100 TeV, 20 bins/decade, spline: 0 ThetaMin(p) < Theta(degree) < 180; pLimit(GeV^1)= 0.139531 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== eCoulombScattering : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV msc: for kaon+ SubType= 10 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== WentzelVIUni : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV Nbins=240 100 eV - 100 TeV StepLim=Minimal Rfact=0.2 Gfact=2.5 Sfact=0.6 DispFlag:1 Skin=3 Llim=1 mm hIoni: for kaon+ XStype:3 SubType=2 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 240 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 20 bins/decade, spline: 1 StepFunction=(0.1, 0.05 mm), integ: 3, fluct: 1, linLossLim= 0.01 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== Bragg : Emin= 0 eV Emax=1.05231 MeV deltaVI BetheBloch : Emin=1.05231 MeV Emax= 100 TeV deltaVI hBrems: for kaon+ XStype:1 SubType=3 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 240 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 20 bins/decade, spline: 0 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== hBrem : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV ModifiedMephi hPairProd: for kaon+ XStype:1 SubType=4 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 240 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 20 bins/decade, spline: 0 Sampling table 18x1001; from 3.94942 GeV to 100 TeV ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== hPairProd : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV ModifiedMephi CoulombScat: for kaon+ XStype:1 SubType=1 BuildTable=1 Lambda table from threshold to 100 TeV, 20 bins/decade, spline: 0 ThetaMin(p) < Theta(degree) < 180; pLimit(GeV^1)= 0.139531 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== eCoulombScattering : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV msc: for kaon- SubType= 10 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== WentzelVIUni : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV Nbins=240 100 eV - 100 TeV StepLim=Minimal Rfact=0.2 Gfact=2.5 Sfact=0.6 DispFlag:1 Skin=3 Llim=1 mm hIoni: for kaon- XStype:3 SubType=2 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 240 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 20 bins/decade, spline: 1 StepFunction=(0.1, 0.05 mm), integ: 3, fluct: 1, linLossLim= 0.01 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== ICRU73QO : Emin= 0 eV Emax=1.05231 MeV deltaVI BetheBloch : Emin=1.05231 MeV Emax= 100 TeV deltaVI hBrems: for kaon- XStype:1 SubType=3 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 240 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 20 bins/decade, spline: 0 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== hBrem : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV ModifiedMephi hPairProd: for kaon- XStype:1 SubType=4 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 240 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 20 bins/decade, spline: 0 Sampling table 18x1001; from 3.94942 GeV to 100 TeV ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== hPairProd : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV ModifiedMephi CoulombScat: for kaon- XStype:1 SubType=1 BuildTable=1 Used Lambda table of kaon+ ThetaMin(p) < Theta(degree) < 180; pLimit(GeV^1)= 0.139531 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== eCoulombScattering : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV msc: for mu+ SubType= 10 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== WentzelVIUni : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV Nbins=240 100 eV - 100 TeV StepLim=Minimal Rfact=0.2 Gfact=2.5 Sfact=0.6 DispFlag:1 Skin=3 Llim=1 mm muIoni: for mu+ XStype:3 SubType=2 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 240 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 20 bins/decade, spline: 1 StepFunction=(0.1, 0.05 mm), integ: 3, fluct: 1, linLossLim= 0.01 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== Bragg : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 200 keV deltaVI MuBetheBloch : Emin= 200 keV Emax= 100 TeV muBrems: for mu+ XStype:1 SubType=3 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 240 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 20 bins/decade, spline: 0 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== MuBrem : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV ModifiedMephi muPairProd: for mu+ XStype:1 SubType=4 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 240 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 20 bins/decade, spline: 0 Sampling table 21x1001; from 0.85 GeV to 100 TeV ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== muPairProd : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV ModifiedMephi CoulombScat: for mu+ XStype:1 SubType=1 BuildTable=1 Lambda table from threshold to 100 TeV, 20 bins/decade, spline: 0 ThetaMin(p) < Theta(degree) < 180; pLimit(GeV^1)= 0.139531 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== eCoulombScattering : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV msc: for mu- SubType= 10 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== WentzelVIUni : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV Nbins=240 100 eV - 100 TeV StepLim=Minimal Rfact=0.2 Gfact=2.5 Sfact=0.6 DispFlag:1 Skin=3 Llim=1 mm muIoni: for mu- XStype:3 SubType=2 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 240 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 20 bins/decade, spline: 1 StepFunction=(0.1, 0.05 mm), integ: 3, fluct: 1, linLossLim= 0.01 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== ICRU73QO : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 200 keV deltaVI MuBetheBloch : Emin= 200 keV Emax= 100 TeV muBrems: for mu- XStype:1 SubType=3 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 240 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 20 bins/decade, spline: 0 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== MuBrem : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV ModifiedMephi muPairProd: for mu- XStype:1 SubType=4 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 240 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 20 bins/decade, spline: 0 Sampling table 21x1001; from 0.85 GeV to 100 TeV ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== muPairProd : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV ModifiedMephi CoulombScat: for mu- XStype:1 SubType=1 BuildTable=1 Used Lambda table of mu+ ThetaMin(p) < Theta(degree) < 180; pLimit(GeV^1)= 0.139531 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== eCoulombScattering : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV msc: for pi+ SubType= 10 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== WentzelVIUni : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV Nbins=240 100 eV - 100 TeV StepLim=Minimal Rfact=0.2 Gfact=2.5 Sfact=0.6 DispFlag:1 Skin=3 Llim=1 mm hIoni: for pi+ XStype:3 SubType=2 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 240 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 20 bins/decade, spline: 1 StepFunction=(0.1, 0.05 mm), integ: 3, fluct: 1, linLossLim= 0.01 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== Bragg : Emin= 0 eV Emax=297.505 keV deltaVI BetheBloch : Emin=297.505 keV Emax= 100 TeV deltaVI hBrems: for pi+ XStype:1 SubType=3 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 240 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 20 bins/decade, spline: 0 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== hBrem : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV ModifiedMephi hPairProd: for pi+ XStype:1 SubType=4 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 240 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 20 bins/decade, spline: 0 Sampling table 20x1001; from 1.11656 GeV to 100 TeV ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== hPairProd : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV ModifiedMephi CoulombScat: for pi+ XStype:1 SubType=1 BuildTable=1 Lambda table from threshold to 100 TeV, 20 bins/decade, spline: 0 ThetaMin(p) < Theta(degree) < 180; pLimit(GeV^1)= 0.139531 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== eCoulombScattering : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV msc: for pi- SubType= 10 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== WentzelVIUni : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV Nbins=240 100 eV - 100 TeV StepLim=Minimal Rfact=0.2 Gfact=2.5 Sfact=0.6 DispFlag:1 Skin=3 Llim=1 mm hIoni: for pi- XStype:3 SubType=2 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 240 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 20 bins/decade, spline: 1 StepFunction=(0.1, 0.05 mm), integ: 3, fluct: 1, linLossLim= 0.01 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== ICRU73QO : Emin= 0 eV Emax=297.505 keV deltaVI BetheBloch : Emin=297.505 keV Emax= 100 TeV deltaVI hBrems: for pi- XStype:1 SubType=3 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 240 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 20 bins/decade, spline: 0 ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== hBrem : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV ModifiedMephi hPairProd: for pi- XStype:1 SubType=4 dE/dx and range tables from 100 eV to 100 TeV in 240 bins Lambda tables from threshold to 100 TeV, 20 bins/decade, spline: 0 Sampling table 20x1001; from 1.11656 GeV to 100 TeV ===== EM models for the G4Region DefaultRegionForTheWorld ====== hPairProd : Emin= 0 eV Emax= 100 TeV ModifiedMephi CoulombScat: for pi- XStype:1 SubType=1 BuildTable=1 Used Lambda table of pi+ ThetaMin(p) < Theta(degree) < 180; pLimit(GeV^1)= 0.139531