Idle> /vis/drawTree /vis/drawTree /vis/open ATree /vis/sceneHandler/create ATree /vis/sceneHandler/attach /vis/viewer/create ! ! 600 Issue /vis/viewer/refresh or flush to see effect. /vis/drawVolume world /vis/scene/create /vis/scene/add/volume world -1 -1 none m 0 0 0 0 0 0 -------- WWWW ------- G4Exception-START -------- WWWW ------- *** G4Exception : visman0202 issued by : G4Scene::CalculateExtent Scene has no extent. Please activate or add something. The camera needs to have something to point at! Add a volume. (You may need "/run/initialize".) Or use "/vis/scene/add/extent". "/vis/scene/list" to see list of models. *** This is just a warning message. *** -------- WWWW -------- G4Exception-END --------- WWWW ------- /vis/sceneHandler/attach /vis/viewer/flush /vis/viewer/refresh viewer-1 -------- WWWW ------- G4Exception-START -------- WWWW ------- *** G4Exception : visman0106 issued by : G4VSceneHandler::ProcessScene The scene has no extent. *** This is just a warning message. *** -------- WWWW -------- G4Exception-END --------- WWWW ------- G4ASCIITreeSceneHandler::BeginModeling: writing to G4 standard output (G4cout) # Set verbosity with "/vis/ASCIITree/verbose ": # < 10: notifies but does not print details of repeated volumes. # >= 10: prints all physical volumes (touchables). # The level of detail is given by verbosity%10: # >= 0: physical volume name. # >= 1: logical volume name (and names of sensitive detector and readout geometry, if any). # >= 2: solid name and type. # >= 3: volume and density. # >= 5: daughter-subtracted volume and mass. # >= 6: physical volume dump. # >= 7: polyhedron dump. # and in the summary at the end of printing: # >= 4: daughter-included mass of top physical volume(s) in scene to depth specified. # Note: by default, culling is switched off so all volumes are seen. # Note: the mass calculation takes into account daughters, which can be time consuming. If you want the mass of a particular subtree try: # /vis/drawTree # Or if you want more control, for example: # /vis/open ATree # /vis/ASCIITree/verbose 14 # /vis/scene/create # /vis/scene/add/volume ! # /vis/sceneHandler/attach # /vis/viewer/flush # Note: dumping the physical volumes produces a lot of output. It is advisable to select the volume of interest, as for a sub-tree above. # Now printing with verbosity 1 # Format is: PV:n / LV (SD,RO) # Abbreviations: PV = Physical Volume, LV = Logical Volume, # SD = Sensitive Detector, RO = Read Out Geometry. "LogWorld_PV":0 / "LogWorld" "samplecontainer_PV":0 / "samplecontainer" "LogSample_PV":0 / "LogSample" (SD="Sample") "LogPlaneR_PV":0 / "LogPlaneR" (SD="PlaneR") "LogPlaneT_PV":0 / "LogPlaneT" (SD="PlaneT") G4ASCIITreeSceneHandler::EndModeling /vis/viewer/update viewer-1 Reverting to viewer-0 (OpenGLImmediateWin32) Idle> /vis/drawLogicalVolume LogWorld /vis/drawLogicalVolume LogWorld /vis/viewer/set/autoRefresh false /vis/scene/create /vis/scene/add/logicalVolume LogWorld 1 1 1 1 1 1 /vis/sceneHandler/attach /vis/viewer/set/autoRefresh true /vis/viewer/refresh Checking overlaps for volume samplecontainer_PV (G4Polycone) ... OK! G4OpenGLViewer::DrawText: Not implemented for "viewer-0 (OpenGLImmediateWin32)" Called with G4Text: "x" layout centre, offset (5,5) G4VMarker: position: (105,0,0), world size: 0, screen size: 10 fill style: no fill G4VisAttributes: visible, daughters visible, colour: (1,0,0,1) (red) linestyle: solid, line width: 1, min line segments per circle: 3 drawing style: not forced, auxiliary edge visibility: not forced line segments per circle: not forced. time range: (-1e+100,1e+100) G4AttValue pointer is zero, G4AttDef pointer is zero Idle> /vis/drawLogicalVolume samplecontainer /vis/drawLogicalVolume samplecontainer /vis/viewer/set/autoRefresh false /vis/scene/create /vis/scene/add/logicalVolume samplecontainer 1 1 1 1 1 1 /vis/sceneHandler/attach /vis/viewer/set/autoRefresh true /vis/viewer/refresh Checking overlaps for volume LogSample_PV (G4Polycone) ... OK! Checking overlaps for volume LogPlaneR_PV (G4Polycone) ... OK! Checking overlaps for volume LogPlaneT_PV (G4Polycone) ... OK! Idle> Idle> /geometry/test/run /geometry/test/run Running geometry overlaps check... Checking overlaps for volume samplecontainer_PV (G4Polycone) ... OK! Checking overlaps for volume LogSample_PV (G4Polycone) ... OK! Checking overlaps for volume LogPlaneR_PV (G4Polycone) ... OK! Checking overlaps for volume LogPlaneT_PV (G4Polycone) ... OK! Geometry overlaps check completed ! Idle>