Category Topics


Announcements of simulation related software/packages or tools, together with Conferences, Workshops or Events of interest to the community.

Forum Issues

This is an announcement and test area for the Geant4 forum. Forum-wide announcements will appear here from time to time. Please post here questions concerning general forum operation, including sign-up, requests for new fora or problems with access or posting. You may use this area to test-post.

Getting Started

This category covers Geant4 installation, using its example applications, and the toolkit documentation. Before you post, see if your question is answered in Geant4’s Installation and Application Developers’ Guides. Also check the archived discussion at installation/configuration and examples/documentation .

Geometry, Fields and Transportation

This category covers the construction of an experiment setup, including its geometry, materials, fields and particle transportation. HyperNews posts in these categories are archived at geometry,
fields and transportation.

Physics Lists

This category covers the selection, use and creation of physics lists for your application. Documentation on these topics is provided in the Physics Lists Guide. HyperNews posts in this category are archived at physics lists.

Physics Processes, Models and Cross Sections

This category covers electromagnetic, hadronic, and weak physics processes along with the models and cross sections that implement them. HyperNews posts in these categories are archived at electromagnetic processes, optical photons, hadronic processes, DNA/Very Low Energy physics and fast simulation.

Particles, Track, Event, Run and Biasing

This category is for questions on controlling and biasing runs, events, tracks, and particles in a simulation.
HyperNews posts in these categories are archived at event and track management, multithreading, particles, run management, biasing and graphical (user) interfaces.

Recording, Visualizing and Persisting Data

This category covers data management in your simulation, including how to score hits and quantities, visualise the detector geometry and hits, and persist results to file. HyperNews posts in these categories are archived at scoring, hits/digitization, visualization, persistency, and analysis.

Ideas and Requirements

Post here if there’s a feature you’d like to see implemented in Geant4, or have an idea for the evolution of Geant4. User requirements posted prior to June 2019 are archived under the User requirements category.


Geant4-based applications may be discussed here. These include medical, space, industrial and educational applications, among others. Posts prior to June 2019 are archived under the education, industrial, medical and space categories.