Different random seeds, but same results

Dear all,

I am trying run a simulation in multi thread with automatically updating random seed with systime so that I can run it multiple times with same input and not to get a duplicated results. So I put this in my main.cc:

G4Random::setTheEngine(new CLHEP::RanecuEngine());
G4long seed = time(NULL);

and also in my RunAction.cc:

long seeds[2];
time_t systime = time(NULL);
seeds[0] = (long) systime;
seeds[1] = (long) (systime*G4UniformRand());

and I checked with
G4cout << "Seed: " << G4Random::getTheSeed() << G4endl;

to make sure that I have a different seeds every time.

However, when I run a compiled executable with a macro, and then I turn off the executable and rerun the executable with same macro again, it gives me the same result with previous run, even though the seed is shown differently.

Am I missing something? I am very new to programming, so I might have missed something should have been done.

Any help is greatly appreciated. Thanks.


This is discussed in the Geant4 documentation, but not in the Application Developers Guide. The Toolkit Developers Guide, which is generally aimed at G4 collaborators, has a whole section on multithreading, including guidance on how to initialize the random engine:



Thank you very much for pointing out.

It seems like that I have to have a function like MyRunManager::InitializeSeeds and place it inside the BeginoOfRunaction of my RunAction.cc?

And to do so it requires number of events and number of seeds per event.
I could get number of events using NumberOfEventsToBeProcessed(), but how do I get the number of seeds per event in BeginOfRunAction?

I appreciate it in advance.

Hi Sblim,

When I run the macro in the Batch mode I get different results as expected with just the simple addition of the following lines in the main.cc :

CLHEP::HepRandom::setTheSeed(seed); G4Random::setTheSeed(seed);

The seed is also a long generated from the beginning time of the simulation.

Did you try it in batch mode and got problems as well?

In case this is of help: the seed needs to be set before G4MTRunManager is instantiated. G4MTRunManager contains a master random number generator which is used to generate the seeds for the events. This generator is cloned from G4Random::getTheEngine() when G4MTRunManager is instantiated.

This fixes the issue, without any need for overriding InitializeSeeds. I hope this helps!