Problem in detecting header files of geant4 in the simulation

I have written the CMakeLists.txt file for my HPGe detector simulation similar to the example given in B1 like:

# Setup the project
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 2.6 FATAL_ERROR)

# Find Geant4 package, activating all available UI and Vis drivers by default
# You can set WITH_GEANT4_UIVIS to OFF via the command line or ccmake/cmake-gui
# to build a batch mode only executable
option(WITH_GEANT4_UIVIS "Build example with Geant4 UI and Vis drivers" ON)
  find_package(Geant4 REQUIRED ui_all vis_all)
  find_package(Geant4 REQUIRED)

# Setup Geant4 include directories and compile definitions
# Setup include directory for this project

# Locate sources and headers for this project
# NB: headers are included so they will show up in IDEs
file(GLOB sources ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/src/*.cc)
file(GLOB headers ${PROJECT_SOURCE_DIR}/include/*.hh)

# Add the executable, and link it to the Geant4 libraries
add_executable(hpge ${sources} ${headers})
target_link_libraries(hpge ${Geant4_LIBRARIES})

# Copy all scripts to the build directory, i.e. the directory in which we
# build hpge. This is so that we can run the executable directly because it
# relies on these scripts being in the current working directory.

foreach(_script ${HPGE_SCRIPTS})

# For internal Geant4 use - but has no effect if you build this
# example standalone
add_custom_target(hpgeDet DEPENDS hpge)

# Install the executable to 'bin' directory under CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX
install(TARGETS hpge DESTINATION bin)

But it is showing me this error below. I guess the system can not detect the header files of geant4 to build the target.

 20%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/hpge.dir/
[ 40%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/hpge.dir/src/
[ 60%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/hpge.dir/src/
[ 80%] Building CXX object CMakeFiles/hpge.dir/src/
/home/subhrod/G4_project/HPGe_design/ fatal error: G4RunManagerFactory.hh: No such file or directory
    1 | #include "G4RunManagerFactory.hh"
      |          ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
compilation terminated.
make[2]: *** [CMakeFiles/hpge.dir/build.make:63: CMakeFiles/hpge.dir/] Error 1
make[2]: *** Waiting for unfinished jobs....
In file included from /home/subhrod/G4_project/HPGe_design/src/
/home/subhrod/G4_project/HPGe_design/include/hpgePhysicsList.hh:1: error: unterminated #ifndef
    1 | #ifndef hpgePhysicsList_h
In file included from /home/subhrod/G4_project/HPGe_design/src/
/home/subhrod/G4_project/HPGe_design/include/hpgePhysicsList.hh:1: error: unterminated #ifndef
    1 | #ifndef hpgePhysicsList_h
In file included from /home/subhrod/G4_project/HPGe_design/src/
/home/subhrod/G4_project/HPGe_design/include/hpgePrimaryGeneratorAction.hh:16:32: error: ‘MeV’ was not declared in this scope
   16 |         G4double energy = 1. * MeV,

I could not able to detect the error in it. Please guide me the error and the way to solve this problem. It will be very helpful for me. Thank you.

Which version of Geant4 is being used? G4RunManagerFactory.hh is only available from version 10.7, and the CMakeLists.txt otherwise looks fine.

You can also run make VERBOSE=1 to get the complete compiler command used to check that the include paths point where you expect.

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Hello @bmorgan
I am using 10.6 version. I have installed geant4 in January. At that time this was the latest version shown in the website as far as I had seen. Also I have read usage of G4RunManagerFactory.hh in the geant4 website at that time. So will it work on 10.6 version or I have to upgrade it?
And it is also picking error for units and particle gun (header file is not been located). But when I run exampleB1 it runs perfectly fine. In example B1 this particular header file is used also.
Thank you, sir.

Hello @bmorgan
You are right. When I used G4MTRunManager.hh it worked.
Thank you sir.