A problem in visualization with qt

Geant4 Version: 11.2.0
Operating System: CentOS Linux release 7.9.2009
Compiler/Version: gcc 11.2.1 (devtoolset11)
CMake Version: 3.28.20231215

Geant4 don’t show me any geometry when running the basic examples, e.g. ./exampleB1

In the CLI, every output looks normal except a qt fail:

qt.xkb.compose: failed to create compose table

I installed an open source qt5_15_2 using the online installer and set the option GEANT4_USE_QT=ON when installing Geant4.

Do you know how to solve this problem?


I’ve not seen this behaviour before, at least not exactly. We have found that some failures to draw are due to the graphics card driver. Can you check and update for your particular OS and graphics card?

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