A question about the setting of mixture of three compound material?

I want to build some compound material,such as Polystyrene and POP materials. I using the AddElement method to build it like the exampleB3a. But when I collecting data,I find a strange peak.

  G4Element*  elC = new G4Element("Carbon", "C", 6., 12.0107 * g / mole);
  G4Element* elH = new G4Element("Hydrogen", "H", 1., 1.0079 * g / mole);
  G4Element* elO = new G4Element("Oxygen", "O", 8., 15.9994 * g / mole);
  G4Material* ppoMaterial = new G4Material("PPO", 1.08 * g / cm3, 3);
  ppoMaterial->AddElement(elC, 30);
  ppoMaterial->AddElement(elH, 22);
  ppoMaterial->AddElement(elO, 4);

  // 定义 POPOP 荧光剂材料
  elC = new G4Element("Carbon", "C", 6., 12.0107 * g / mole);
  elH = new G4Element("Hydrogen", "H", 1., 1.0079 * g / mole);
  elO = new G4Element("Oxygen", "O", 8., 15.9994 * g / mole);
  G4Element* elN = new G4Element("Nitrogen", "N", 7., 28. * g / mole);
  G4Material* popopMaterial = new G4Material("POPOP", 1.08 * g / cm3, 4);
  popopMaterial->AddElement(elC, 24);
  popopMaterial->AddElement(elH, 16);
  popopMaterial->AddElement(elO, 2);
  popopMaterial->AddElement(elN, 2);
  // 创建组合材料,将 PPO,POPOP 荧光剂掺杂到 PS 中
  G4double psFraction = 98.485 * perCent;  // PS 占比
  G4double ppoFraction = 1.5 * perCent;  // PPO 占比
  G4double popopFraction = 0.015 * perCent;  // POPOP 占比
  psWithPPOandPOPOP = new G4Material("PS_with_PPOandPOPOP", 1.06 * g / cm3, 3);
  psWithPPOandPOPOP->AddMaterial(psMaterial, psFraction);
  psWithPPOandPOPOP->AddMaterial(ppoMaterial, ppoFraction);
  psWithPPOandPOPOP->AddMaterial(popopMaterial, popopFraction);`

It doesn’t match the image I measured. I think it can`t appear two peaks.
Then I change to the method of elements.pushback.And I change the mixture of three compound to the Ps material. And I get an idea result.

  elements.push_back("C");     natoms.push_back(8);
  elements.push_back("H");     natoms.push_back(8);

  density = 1.050*g/cm3;

  psWithPPOandPOPOP = fNistMan->
          ConstructNewMaterial("Polystyrene1", elements, natoms, density);


To judge the reason of the peak, I conduct some experiments then.

// // 定义基础材料
  // G4Material* psMaterial = fNistMan->FindOrBuildMaterial("G4_POLYSTYRENE");

  // // 定义 PS材料
  density = 1.05* g/cm3;
  elC = new G4Element("Carbon ", "C", 6., 12.01070 * g / mole);
  G4Element* elH = new G4Element("Hydrogen ", "H", 1., 1.0079 * g / mole);
  G4Material* psMaterial = new G4Material(name="Ps", density, ncomponents=2);
  psMaterial->AddElement(elC, natom=8);
  psMaterial->AddElement(elH, natom=8);
  // 定义 PPO 荧光剂材料
  density = 1.08* g/cm3;
  G4Element* elO = new G4Element("Oxygen", "O", 8., 15.9994 * g / mole);
  G4Material* ppoMaterial = new G4Material(name="PPO", density, ncomponents=2);
  ppoMaterial->AddElement(elC, natom=30);
  ppoMaterial->AddElement(elH, natom=22);
 // ppoMaterial->AddElement(elO, natom=4);

  // 定义 POPOP 荧光剂材料
  G4Element* elN = new G4Element("Nitrogen", "N", 7., 28. * g / mole);
  G4Material* popopMaterial = new G4Material("POPOP", 1.08 * g / cm3, 2);
  popopMaterial->AddElement(elC, 24);
  popopMaterial->AddElement(elH, 16);
  //popopMaterial->AddElement(elO, 2);
  // popopMaterial->AddElement(elN, 2);

  // 创建组合材料,将 PPO,POPOP 荧光剂掺杂到 PS 中
  G4double psFraction = 98.485 * perCent;  // PS 占比
  G4double ppoFraction = 1.5 * perCent;  // PPO 占比
  G4double popopFraction = 0.015 * perCent;  // POPOP 占比
  density = 1.06 *g/cm3;
  G4Material* psWithPPOandPOPOP = new G4Material(name="PS_with_PPOandPOPOP", density, ncomponents=3);
  psWithPPOandPOPOP->AddMaterial(psMaterial, psFraction);
  psWithPPOandPOPOP->AddMaterial(ppoMaterial, ppoFraction);
  psWithPPOandPOPOP->AddMaterial(popopMaterial, popopFraction);
  // elements.push_back("C");     natoms.push_back(8);
  // elements.push_back("H");     natoms.push_back(8);

To avoid the N and O effect. And the result is

Another method:

 G4bool isotopes=false;
  G4Element*  elC = fNistMan->FindOrBuildElement("C" , isotopes);
  G4Element* elH = fNistMan->FindOrBuildElement("H", isotopes);
  G4Element* elO = fNistMan->FindOrBuildElement("O", isotopes);
  G4Element* elN = fNistMan->FindOrBuildElement("N", isotopes);

  density = 1.05* g/cm3;
  // elC = new G4Element("Carbon ", "C", 6., 12.01070 * g / mole);
  // G4Element* elH = new G4Element("Hydrogen ", "H", 1., 1.0079 * g / mole);
 psMaterial  = new G4Material(name="Ps", 1.05* g/cm3, ncomponents=2);

  psMaterial->AddElement(elH, 8); 
  psMaterial->AddElement(elC, 8);

As a master’s student, I really need this simulation to get a reasonable result, and I hope you can help me. Because I need to use a mixture composed of three compounds as the main body of the simulation, if I can’t solve this problem, can you provide other methods to achieve this goal? I’m only using addmaterial for now. Looking forward to your reply.

_Geant4 Version:_11.2.1
_Operating System:_ubuntu
CMake Version: