Applicability of the PAI Model to Kaons

Dear experts,

The Geant4 documentation [1] does not explicitly specify the projectile particles for which the PAI model is applicable. In the paper describing the PAI model implementation [2], it is stated that:

It allows us to calculate the ionisation energy loss distribution produced by relativistic charged particles in very thin layers of any material consisting of elements with Z = 1-100.

Additionally, a presentation at the 2015 collaboration meeting [3] lists e+/-, mu+/-, pi+/-, protons, and gammas as applicable particle types.

How can I confirm if the PAI model, once enabled in a region, also applies to other particle types, such as kaons?

Thank you for your time.


[1] Photoabsorption Ionisation Model — Physics Reference Manual 11.2 documentation
[2] Shibboleth Authentication Request

Hello Alvaro,

for PAI model type of change particles does not matter, because all formulas are scaled with the mass and charge. Of course, it is not applicable to gamma.


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