Hi experts,
I’ve been trying to made a model of a BaF2 detector. However, I can’t see the slow component on the output, just the fast component. The slow component, from what I understand should be more intense, which is what I have in my code, but I get no signal around 630ns.
I’ve tried changing all the parameters (larger and smaller), testing other particles and energies but no luck. I also registered G4OpticalPhysics, just in case but no luck. I looked over otehr forum posts as well and it looks like I am on the right path here.
My main sim is 14 MeV neutrons on a graphite block. Sorry if a made an error copying the code because I had to change it around a little because if-statements. Future apologies if this is a simple oversight.
_Geant4 Version:_11.0.1
energy[0] = 1.239841939*eV/0.220;
energy[1] = 1.239841939*eV/0.310;
rindex[0] = 1.54;
rindex[1] = 1.50;
absorbLength[0] = 72.15*cm;
absorbLength[1] = 749.68*cm;
fastComp[0] = 1.;
fastComp[1] = 0.;
slowComp[0] = 0.;
slowComp[1] = 1.;
G4MaterialPropertiesTable *mpt = new G4MaterialPropertiesTable();
mpt->AddProperty("ABSLENGTH", energy, absorbLength, 2);
mpt->AddProperty("SCINTILLATIONCOMPONENT1", energy, fastComp, 2, true);
mpt->AddProperty("SCINTILLATIONCOMPONENT2", energy, slowComp, 2, true);
mpt->AddConstProperty("SCINTILLATIONYIELD", 11800./MeV);
mpt->AddConstProperty("RESOLUTIONSCALE", 1.0);
mpt->AddConstProperty("SCINTILLATIONTIMECONSTANT1", 0.9*ns,true);
mpt->AddConstProperty("SCINTILLATIONTIMECONSTANT2", 630*ns,true);
mpt->AddConstProperty("SCINTILLATIONYIELD1", 1);
mpt->AddConstProperty("SCINTILLATIONYIELD2", 5);