Can anyone please guide me, how can I import stp file in geant4?

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Take a look at
It shows how to write and read GDML-files and how to read stp-files.
For this Geant4 needs to be compiled with GDML, which requires the Xerces-C library.

otherwise i recommend
CADMesh: A CAD file interface for GEANT4
which provides an example how to use it and read stp-files.


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No way to import STEP directly. You can try pyg4ometry or FreeCAD GDML plugin (environment, see docs therein)

No way to import STEP directly. You can try pyg4ometry or FreeCAD GDML plugin (environment, see docs therein)

uhm… could you specify what you mean?
I posted two ways how to directly import STEP-files…

The first solution i posted is an offical Geant4-Example which says in its README

“In this directory you can find a example showing how to use GDML module for
reading and writing. It is also shown how to Read STEP Tools files.”

You dont need to convert your stp-files to import them into Geant4.

Do you mean CAD-files?

EDIT: I was already one step ahead in my mind…
yeah, you CANT import STEP-files (STandard for the Exchange of Product model data) which originate from a CAD Tool like Inventor, Fusion360 or FreeCAD BUT you can use these tools to convert a .stp-file to a .stl-file (Standard Tessellation Language) and load these into Geant4 with the above mentioned methods at the cost of tesselating your geometry.

Yes. A STEP flie from CAD starts with

/* Generated by software containing ST-Developer
 * from STEP Tools, Inc. (

Second, STL files are not assembly files but single-piece volumes, which demand significant work to prepare complex geometry with heterogeneous parts.