Can't run B1 interactive mode from cmdline?†

_Geant4 Version:_11.3.0
_Operating System:_Mac Sonoma 14.6.1
_Compiler/Version:_XCode 16.2
_CMake Version:_3.31.3

Hi Geant4 users!
I’m trying to build the B1 example so my highschooler can play around in interactive mode. The problem I’m running into is that I can only run the example from within XCode. If I try to run the example executable from the cmdline, I see this:

/Users/me@B1-build % ls
B1.xcodeproj build run1.mac
CMakeCache.txt cmake_install.cmake run2.mac
CMakeFiles vis.mac
CMakeScripts exampleB1.out
Debug init_vis.mac
/Users/me@B1-build % Debug/exampleB1
zsh: killed Debug/exampleB1
/Users/me@B1-build %

This happens both if I create an xcode or a Makefile project using cmake. Does anyone know what’s going on? I want to make it so she can run via commandline w/o the clunkiness of having to launch XCode.

Btw I am sourcing the file
and I’ve confirmed that my PATH variable contains
/Users/me/geant4-v11.3.0-install/bin and that my
GEANT4_DATA_DIR variable contains

Does ‘killed’ imply a crash? Can I run exampleB1 with a flag to make it more verbose?

Hi Jeffery

For me, using Xcode, the executable is in BuildProducts/Debug/bin/exampleB1, which should be in your “Install” directory (CMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX).


Thanks for writing!
For clarity, I’m not experiencing issues with creating the executable. I can see an executable when I use both xcode and make. Specifically I can’t seem to run the executable in cmdline mode.

Mmm. I wonder if there is another exampleB1 in your PATH. To ensure you execute the file you want, give its full path name or precede it with ./ (meaning “this directory”), e.g., ./Debug/exampleB1.

Are you sure Debug/exampleB1 in B1-build is the executable from the current Xcode build? Check the time stamp (ls -l). Do you have a BuildProducts directory at all? In your geant4 build directory, perhaps? Have you looked in there? (I have a slightly unconventional build, so it might be different.)

Sorry not to be more helpful.
