Computing the double differential cross section from FTFP_BERT_HP

Hi all, I want to output the double differential cross section for neutron captures in a target material. I guess that GEANT4 calculates these, but probably does not have a spline table that can just be printed containing this information.

If I wanted to calculate the double differential cross section, what is the simplest method to extract this? I tried to use G4HadronicProcessStore just as in Hadr00 but this only gives the cross section per atom and not say per energy and scattering angle.

I can see an example of what I want to achieve here:

Thanks for your suggestions!
_Geant4 Version:_11.0.0
_Operating System:_MacOS
_Compiler/Version:_Apple clang version 14.0.0
_CMake Version:_3.25.1

So in my RunAction I put the following and it seems to be outputting some cross section information, albeit the single cross section and not double differential cross section:

#include "RunAction.hh"
#include "Run.hh"
#include "DetectorConstruction.hh"
#include "PrimaryGeneratorAction.hh"
#include "HistoManager.hh"
#include "G4HadronicProcessStore.hh"
#include "G4Run.hh"
#include "G4UnitsTable.hh"
#include "G4SystemOfUnits.hh"
#include "G4RunManager.hh"
#include "Randomize.hh"
#include <iomanip>


void RunAction::EndOfRunAction(const G4Run*)
  if (isMaster) fRun->EndOfRun();

  // Here we are going to define the cross section tables

  //save histograms
  G4AnalysisManager* analysisManager = G4AnalysisManager::Instance();
  G4RunManager* runManager = G4RunManager::GetRunManager();
  G4cout<< "Run manager created!"<< G4endl;
  G4double p1 = std::log10(1*MeV);
  G4double p2 = std::log10(1*TeV);
  G4double e1 = std::log10(1*MeV);
  G4double e2 = std::log10(1*TeV);
  G4double de = (e2-e1)/G4double(1000);
  G4double dp = (p2-p1)/G4double(1000);

  G4HadronicProcessStore* store = G4HadronicProcessStore::Instance();
  /* G4double mass = analysisManager->; */

  G4cout<< "e1= "<< e1 <<" e2= "<< e2 <<" p1= "<< p1 <<" p2= "<< p2 <<G4endl;

  const G4Material* mat = fDetector->GetMaterial();
  G4cout << "Detector Material = " << mat << G4endl;

  //Now we want to grab the properties!
  G4double x = e1 - de*0.5;
  G4double e,p,xs,tot;
  G4int i;
  G4int Verbose =1;
PrimaryGeneratorAction* generatorAction = const_cast<PrimaryGeneratorAction*>(dynamic_cast<const PrimaryGeneratorAction*>(G4RunManager::GetRunManager()->GetUserPrimaryGeneratorAction()));
  /* PrimaryGeneratorAction* generatorAction = static_cast<const PrimaryGeneratorAction*>(G4RunManager::GetRunManager()->GetUserPrimaryGeneratorAction()); */
  /* const PrimaryGeneratorAction* generatorAction = G4RunManager::GetRunManager()->GetUserPrimaryGeneratorAction(); */
  const G4ParticleGun* particleGun = generatorAction->GetParticleGun();

  G4cout << "Particle Gun" << particleGun << G4endl;

  G4cout<< "particle details!"<< G4endl;
  G4ParticleDefinition* particleDefinition = particleGun->GetParticleDefinition();
  G4String particleName = particleDefinition->GetParticleName();
  G4double kineticEnergy = particleGun->GetParticleEnergy(); // in MeV
  G4cout << "particle name:" << particleName << G4endl;
  G4cout << "particle energy:" << kineticEnergy/GeV <<"GeV" << G4endl;

  G4double coeff =1.0;
  if(mat) {coeff = mat->GetDensity()*cm2/g;}

  // Get the number of elements in the material
	G4int numElements = mat->GetNumberOfElements();

// Loop through each element in the material
	for (G4int i = 0; i < numElements; ++i) {
    // Get the ith element in the material
		const G4Element* elm = mat->GetElement(i);

		// Extract information about the element
		G4String elmName = elm->GetName();
		G4double elmFraction = mat->GetFractionVector()[i];

		// Print or use the information as needed
		G4cout << "Element " << i << ": Name = " << elmName << ", Fraction = " << elmFraction << G4endl;

  for (int j=0; j<1000; j++){

	try{//try bracket

	x += de;
    e  = std::pow(10.,x)*MeV;
	if(Verbose>0) G4cout << std::setw(5) << j << std::setw(12) << e;
	xs = store->GetElasticCrossSectionPerAtom(particleDefinition,e,elm,mat);
	tot = xs;
	if(Verbose>0) G4cout << std::setw(12) << xs/barn;
    analysisManager->FillH1(8, x, xs/barn);
    xs = store->GetInelasticCrossSectionPerAtom(particleDefinition,e,elm,mat);
    tot += xs;

	}//try bracket

	catch (int j) {//catch bracket

		G4cout << "Failed for index" << j << G4endl;

	}//catch bracket



which is outputting something like

Particle Gun0x600001738240
particle details!
particle name:tau-
particle energy:60.856GeV

Element 0: Name = IceHydrogen, Fraction = 0.111846

    0     1.00693           0Failed for index0
    1     1.02094           0Failed for index1
    2     1.03514           0Failed for index2
    3     1.04954           0Failed for index3
    4     1.06414           0Failed for index4
    5     1.07895           0Failed for index5
    6     1.09396           0Failed for index6
    7     1.10917           0Failed for index7
    8      1.1246           0Failed for index8
    9     1.14025           0Failed for index9
   10     1.15611           0Failed for index10

based off the first part of the Hadr00 example. How should I proceed? Thanks!

I also notice this as the list of hadronic processes for my neutrons:

                           Hadronic Processes for neutron

  Process: hadElastic
        Model:             hElasticCHIPS: 19.5 MeV ---> 100 TeV
        Model:          NeutronHPElastic: 0 eV  ---> 20 MeV
     Cr_sctns:        NeutronHPElasticXS: 0 eV  ---> 20 MeV
     Cr_sctns:        G4NeutronElasticXS: 0 eV  ---> 100 TeV

  Process: neutronInelastic
        Model:                      FTFP: 3 GeV ---> 100 TeV
        Model:            BertiniCascade: 19.9 MeV ---> 6 GeV
        Model:        NeutronHPInelastic: 0 eV  ---> 20 MeV
     Cr_sctns:      NeutronHPInelasticXS: 0 eV  ---> 20 MeV
     Cr_sctns:      G4NeutronInelasticXS: 0 eV  ---> 100 TeV

  Process: nCapture
        Model:          NeutronHPCapture: 0 eV  ---> 20 MeV
        Model:               nRadCapture: 19.9 MeV ---> 100 TeV
     Cr_sctns:        NeutronHPCaptureXS: 0 eV  ---> 20 MeV
     Cr_sctns:        G4NeutronCaptureXS: 0 eV  ---> 100 TeV

  Process: nFission
        Model:          NeutronHPFission: 0 eV  ---> 20 MeV
        Model:                G4LFission: 19.9 MeV ---> 100 TeV
     Cr_sctns:        NeutronHPFissionXS: 0 eV  ---> 20 MeV
     Cr_sctns:                    ZeroXS: 0 eV  ---> 100 TeV

Does the energy overlap cause double counting in the capture cross section?