/control/execute COMMAND NOT FOUND

Dear experts,

I’m new to Geant4, and I’m using some user-defined code to make G4Solid from a macro file, but when I try to run the simulation I got errors like:

***** COMMAND NOT FOUND <{parent}/Dimension FeedThroFromEPOut = 10.0*mm> *****

***** Batch is interrupted!! *****
***** COMMAND NOT FOUND </control/execute {geometry_macros}/CylindricalDriftChamber.macro> *****

***** Batch is interrupted!! *****
***** COMMAND NOT FOUND </control/execute {SIMG4ROOT}/geometry_macros/SingleCDCCosmicRayTest.macro> *****

***** Batch is interrupted!! *****

are these errors indicate that I had typos in my path? Or it’s just that the environment was not able to be gotten…?