Geant4 Version: 11.2.2
Operating System: MacOS Sonoma 14.2
Compiler/Version: clang-1500.
CMake Version: 3.29.5
I am new to Geant4 and am using exampleB1 for calculation. The following is how I set the object
G4VPhysicalVolume* DetectorConstruction::Construct()
// Get nist material manager
G4NistManager* nist = G4NistManager::Instance();
// Envelope parameters
G4double env_sizeX = 20*cm, env_sizeY = 20*cm, env_sizeZ = 20*cm;
// G4double env_sizeXY = 100*cm, env_sizeZ = 100*cm;
G4Material* env_mat = nist->FindOrBuildMaterial("G4_AIR");
// Option to switch on/off checking of volumes overlaps
G4bool checkOverlaps = true;
// World
G4double world_sizeX = 2*env_sizeX;
G4double world_sizeY = 2*env_sizeY;
G4double world_sizeZ = 2*env_sizeZ;
G4Material* world_mat = nist->FindOrBuildMaterial("G4_AIR");
G4Box* solidWorld =
new G4Box("World", //its name
0.5*world_sizeX, 0.5*world_sizeY, 0.5*world_sizeZ); //its size
G4LogicalVolume* logicWorld =
new G4LogicalVolume(solidWorld, //its solid
world_mat, //its material
"World"); //its name
G4VPhysicalVolume* physWorld =
new G4PVPlacement(0, //no rotation
G4ThreeVector(), //at (0,0,0)
logicWorld, //its logical volume
"World", //its name
0, //its mother volume
false, //no boolean operation
0, //copy number
checkOverlaps); //overlaps checking
// Envelope
G4Box* solidEnv =
new G4Box("Envelope", //its name
env_sizeX, env_sizeY, env_sizeZ); //its size
G4LogicalVolume* logicEnv =
new G4LogicalVolume(solidEnv, //its solid
env_mat, //its material
"Envelope"); //its name
new G4PVPlacement(0, //no rotation
G4ThreeVector(), //at (0,0,0)
logicEnv, //its logical volume
"Envelope", //its name
logicWorld, //its mother volume
false, //no boolean operation
0, //copy number
checkOverlaps); //overlaps checking
G4ThreeVector pos = G4ThreeVector(10*cm, 0*cm, 0*cm);
// Shape 2
G4Material* shape2_mat = nist->FindOrBuildMaterial("G4_ADIPOSE_TISSUE_ICRP");
G4double shape2_dx = 1*cm;
G4double shape2_dy = 1*cm;
G4double shape2_dz = 0.6*cm;
G4Box* solidShape2 =
new G4Box("Shape2", //its name
shape2_dx, shape2_dy, shape2_dz); //its size
G4LogicalVolume* logicShape2 =
new G4LogicalVolume(solidShape2, //its solid
shape2_mat, //its material
"Shape2"); //its name
new G4PVPlacement(0, //no rotation
pos, //at position
logicShape2, //its logical volume
"Shape2", //its name
logicEnv, //its mother volume
false, //no boolean operation
0, //copy number
checkOverlaps); //overlaps checking
// // Set Shape2 as scoring volume
// //
fScoringVolume = logicShape2;
//always return the physical World
return physWorld;
The run.mac is:
/gun/particle neutron
/gun/energy 14 MeV
/gun/direction 1 0 0
/run/beamOn 10000
The result is:
Among them, the cumulated dose per run, in scoring volume calculated for the shape of 1cm * 1cm * 0.6cm: 1.10384 microGy;
And after I changed the size of shape2 to 3cm * 2cm * 9cm, it says: in scoring volume calculated for the shape of 3cm * 2cm * 9cm: 15.9728 nanoGy.
Why is the cumulated dose smaller for a larger box? How does fScoringVolume in exampleB1 calculate the dose deposition?