Data visualization

I have installed genat4 on windows using Cmake and visual studio 2019. Do I need to install separate visualization software? any recommendations?

Thanks in advance


Well…Geant4 offers several visualization tools (as listed in Visualization | So it really depenends what your end-goal is since none of them always optimal for all cases.
Regardless, for starters, I would recommend you to use Qt.


Many thanks for the info. My goal is to simulate radiation detectors for thermal neutron and obtain the pulse height spectrum.


In that case, Qt should suffice for visualization purposes (assuming you don’t want to visualize few particles). Prior to installation (when you are building with cmake) you’ll have to enable them through the addition of -DGEANT4_USE_OPENGL_X11=ON and -DGEANT4_USE_QT=ON.

So do something like:
ccmake ../source -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=/your/preferred/directory/geant4/install -DGEANT4_INSTALL_DATA=ON -DGEANT4_USE_OPENGL_X11=ON -DGEANT4_USE_QT=ON


Dear jhulsman,

Thanks for the reply. As I already installed the geant4. is there a way to add this after the installation ?

Certainly. If you kept your build directory, it’s easy: go back to the same build directory, run the cmake command to set the new option values (all your previous values will be maintained by way of the CMakeCache.txt file in the build directory), and then run make install again. Only the code which needs to be compiled differently will be touched, so it should go much faster than your initial build.