DD and DT Fusion

Hi dear Geant4 users, how can i simulate these thermonuclear fusion reaction on Geant4. i really need help.
D +T–> n + He4 + 17.60 MeV
D + D → n + He 3 + 3.25 MeV
Thank you for your time.

Here, macros for examples Hadr03 and Hadr07
In PhysicsList.cc, select G4IonPhysicsXS( ).
If you have installed TENDL data set, you can choose instead G4IonPhysicsPHP( )
fusion03.mac.txt (345 Bytes)
fusion07.mac.txt (510 Bytes)

Thank you much. this will help me a lot.

Hi, just wondering if you were able to actually model the neutron production from the DD reaction using this info? I have done my best to combine the information from the examples however when I run the simulation, I only get the alpha production: deuteron + Deuterium Isotope --> alpha + N gamma or e-

Just wanted to update that I figured out the solution. You need to download the TENDL datafiles and set/create the G4PARTICLEHP environment variable to the dataset. The physics list you need to use is G4HadronPhysicsQGSP_BIC_AllHP and I also needed to use G4IonPhysicsPHP in order to get this to work.

List of nuclear reactions: 
                deuteron + Deuterium Isotope --> neutron + He3:    3850   Q =   3.271 MeV
              deuteron + Deuterium Isotope --> proton + triton:    3545   Q =  4.0359 MeV
                deuteron + Tritium Isotope --> neutron + alpha:  992605   Q =  17.631 MeV

List of generated particles:
            He3:    3850  Emean =  871.83 keV	( 500.31 keV --> 1.2552 MeV)
          alpha:  992605  Emean =   3.619 MeV	( 2.898 MeV --> 4.3413 MeV)
        neutron:  996455  Emean =  14.081 MeV	( 2.1298 MeV --> 14.847 MeV)
         proton:    3545  Emean =  3.0796 MeV	( 2.6627 MeV --> 3.4997 MeV)
         triton:    3545  Emean =  1.0703 MeV	( 650.22 keV --> 1.4871 MeV)


  • Brendan
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