Hi, regarding the construction of my detector I have defined the material Thallium Activated Sodium Iodide (NaI(Tl)), I have done this in 3 different ways/methods. Are the 3 ways/methods correct, or which is the correct one?. How should I define this material?. Below I show the code of the three methods/ways to define this material:
void myDetectorConstruction::DefineMaterials()
///////// First method
G4NistManager* man = G4NistManager::Instance();
G4bool isotopes = false;
G4Element* Tl = man->FindOrBuildElement(“Tl” , isotopes);
G4Element* I = man->FindOrBuildElement(“I”, isotopes);
G4Element* Na = man->FindOrBuildElement(“Na”, isotopes);
auto NIT = new G4Material(“NaITl”, 3.67 * g / cm3, 3);
NIT->AddElement(Na, 1);
NIT->AddElement(I, 1);
NIT->AddElement(Tl , 1);
////////// Second method
G4Element* elTl = new G4Element(“Thallium”,symbol=“Tl”,z=81.,a=204.3833g/mole);
G4Element elI = new G4Element(“Iodine”,symbol=“I”,z=53.,a=126.90447g/mole);
G4Element elNa = new G4Element(“Sodium”,symbol=“Na”,z=11.,a=22.989769*g/mole);
G4Material* NaITl = new G4Material(“Iodide”,density=3.67 * g / cm3,ncomp=3);
Iodide->AddElement(elI, natoms=1);
Iodide->AddElement(elNa, natoms=1);
Iodide->AddElement(elTl, natoms=1);
////////////// Third method
G4Element* elTl = new G4Element(“Thallium”,symbol=“Tl”,z=81.,a=204.3833*g/mole);
auto elI = new G4Element(“Iodine”, “I”, z = 53, a = 126.90447 * g / mole);
auto elNa = new G4Element(“Sodium”, “Na”, z = 11, a = 22.989769 * g / mole);
auto Iodide = new G4Material(“Iodide”, density = 3.67 * g / cm3, nelements = 3);
Iodide->AddElement(I, 45. * perCent);
Iodide->AddElement(Na, 45. * perCent);
Iodide->AddElement(Tl, 10. * perCent);
_Geant4 Version:_11.2.1
_Operating System:_Windows 10
_Compiler/Version:_Visual Studio 2022
_CMake Version:_3.29.0-rc2