Hey, geant4 experts
I am utilizing isotropic cylindrical sources and calculating their dose rate deposition within the detector.
The main example utilized is in examples/B1. Defining the particle source in such a way that GPS. Build process is successful, but an error is reported when calling the GPS source.
PrimaryGeneratorAction.cc (2.8 KB)
RunAction.cc (7.3 KB)
SteppingAction.cc (3.0 KB)
ActionInitialization.cc (2.9 KB)
EventAction.cc (2.5 KB)
DetectorConstruction.cc (15.3 KB)
ActionInitialization.hh (2.2 KB)
DetectorConstruction.hh (2.4 KB)
EventAction.hh (2.3 KB)
PrimaryGeneratorAction.hh (2.6 KB)