Hello in my simulation I currently have 2 circular targets. I added the scoring mesh function to get the deposited energy in the targets. The scoring mesh works in the dump file but I can’t get an image like this one
Here my two targets
then I run this command
/control/execute run1.mac
and I get the interaction
then I run these commands
/score/colorMap/setMinMax ! 0. 200.
/control/alias iAxis 1
/control/loop drawCylinderSlice.mac iColumn 0 29 7
and I get this image
And I also have this error
Does anyone understand the reason because of?
This is the full simulation https://we.tl/t-cRlyHaRxKT
@allison in another topic you said me that probably the scoring mesh position doesn’t fit with the targets position. I checked and I think that the position is ok, because, I tried to move the scoring mesh position and I didn’t get released energy! It means that the position is ok, because out of the targets particles can’t release energy (There is the vacuum!)
So the position is ok. There should ben another problem but I didn’t understan which one!
Please, can you check it ?