Electron range in NIST and Geant4

Geant4 Version: 11.3.0
Operating System: Ubuntu 22.04 in VMware Workstation


I have calculated the extrapolated electron range in aluminum using Geant4. I got more than in the NIST database. So, for a 50 MeV colliding electron we get about 9.5 cm instead of 7.7 cm from the NIST database. The model structure is a set of thin (1 mm) layers of aluminum close together. The electrons are directed perpendicular to the layers. What could be the error and why do the electron ranges not converge?

Link to NIST database of electron ranges: Stopping Power and Range Tables for Electrons

Your link does not work. The CSDA range is also different from the projected range, especially for electrons. Lastly, Geant uses production cuts which are range cuts that can also “kill” the electron’s path prematurely.

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Here, a macro for TestEm1, to compare with NIST calculation.
The printout and the plot.
erange.mac.txt (779 Bytes)
erange.out.txt (1.4 KB)

It is also instructive to run TestEm0 :
em0.mac.txt (284 Bytes)

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