Electron trajectories at low energy in a low electric field

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Geant4 Version: Geant4/11.2.2
Operating System: Linux
Compiler/Version: GCC-12.3.0
CMake Version: 3.26.3

I am trying to make low energy electrons fly through a uniform electric field. I am using the microelectronics example as a template. This should be able to handle electron energies down to a few eV. If I choose an energy of 1000 eV and a field of 5000 V/m I get a nicely arcing trajectory as shown below:

However, if I reduce the beam energy to 100 eV and the field to 100 V/m, the trajectory takes a sharp turn downwards after the first step as below:

If further reduce the field to 10 V/m, I get an even sharper angle (see below), whereas I would expect the electron trajectory to be more or less straight and horizontal.

I have tried modifying the deltaChord, the minimum step and the step limit without any progress. Can someone suggest what I might be doing wrong?

Many thanks

Try /vis/scene/add/trajectories smooth.

Hello John,
Thankyou for your prompt reply. I tried your suggestion, but it seems not to help. However, I have investigated a little further. I find that by gradually reducing the field and electron energy together, the plot looks exactly the same as the first plot in my first message until I get to 100 eV. At 101 eV, everything looks fine, but at 100 eV, the plot looks as below:

I then run the command:
/field/setDeltaChord 0.1 mm

and I get the image below:

Is there some setting that prevents the electron trajectories from working below 100 eV ?

Best Wishes

OK, I found the solution here:

I need to add the following command:
/process/em/lowestElectronEnergy 0.0 eV

and then things seem to work.

Best Wishes

Great. Glad you found it, Chris.