EMstandard Option Level

Dear. G4 User

I am analysing the detector signal using X-rays below 1 MeV.

To do this, I am trying to determine the EM Standard Option level when selecting the Physics List.

For this, I would like to know the difference between the levels and if you have any advice or documentation on this, could you please share?

In addition to this, when I performed a simple energy deposit simulation, I was surprised to see that options (1-2) and options (3-4) have a different tendency (picture attached)

Geant4 Version: geant4-10-07-patch-03
Operating System: window-WSL
Compiler/Version: 11.3.0
CMake Version: 3.22.1

The levels are more and more precise, but someone else should comment on the exact nature of this precision. As you see, the faster versions give more spread to the line as the steps are fewer and deposits are probably less aligned. It is expected that the more you approximate, the more error you get.

To check - you register not the gamma energy but the recoil electron. This is why you have the spread caused by charged particle interaction Monte Carlo.