Energy deposit on ~10 nm thckness silicone

Hello I am trying to measure energy deposited by neutron/proton/etc on a 10 nm thickness silicone. I am having difficulty producing any secondary particles from neutron in my simulations no matter what MeV energy I use. I am using B4 example but upon reading some manual it says default Cut value in 0.1 mm. Do I need to set the “/run/setCut 1 um” for example in my macro file before /run/initialize? I tried changing the cuts but do not see any output difference. Thank you.

All you need to do is measure the energy of the articles as they leave your sample and subtract that from the energy they had when they entered the sample.

Ah, I see something else: you’re using setCut 1um this will “kill” the track after 1 um. Try /stepMax = 1.0 nm

Hello, thank you for your reply.
I am not sure what you mean by just subtracting energies. From my understanding, neutron is neutral and so cannot deposit energy directly and can only do through nuclear reaction and secondary particles. I wasn’t able to see any nuclear reactions and secondary particle creations in 10 nm thickness while I can in a way thicker silicons in my simulation (>>10nm).

Also, is it possible to get the energy deposit in each copies of “sensitive layer” in B4d example? Instead of just get total energy deposit across all copies of “sensitive layer”, get amount of energy deposited in each copies as histogram. i.e: My code is SetSensitiveDetector(“fLSensA”, absDetector); with fLSensA1, fLSensA2, etc.

With attached macro for Hadr03 example you will learn that inelastic interaction length (aka mean free path) for a neutron 14 MeV in silicon is about 18 cm.
Therefore the probability to have 1 interaction within 1 nm is 1nm/18cm = ~ 5.10ˆ-9
In other word you need to run ~2 10ˆ8 events to have a chance to see 1 interaction.
sangjeon.mac.txt (215 Bytes)