Example microyz

Dear forum members,

I’m testing the standard example Geant4 - microyz

The following data is output to the yz.root file:
// fill ntuple including weighting
analysisManager->FillNtupleDColumn(0, radius/nm);
analysisManager->FillNtupleDColumn(2, nofHits);
analysisManager->FillNtupleDColumn(3, nbEdep);
analysisManager->FillNtupleDColumn(4, (epsilon/eV)/(chord/nm));
analysisManager->FillNtupleDColumn(5, (epsilon/mass)/gray);
analysisManager->FillNtupleDColumn(6, Einc/eV);

Some of the data I do not understand what they means?
radius/nm - is radius of the detector, nm
nofHits - ?
nbEdep - ?
(epsilon/eV)/(chord/nm)) - Linear energy, eV/nm
epsilon/eV - energy transmitted to the detector volume (5nm), eV ?
(epsilon/mass)/gray) - Dose, gray
Einc/eV - ?

I would be grateful for any help!

Hi Anatoly,

nofHits is the number of events per track
nbEdep is the number of events per shpere
epsilon is the energy deposited in the sphere
Einc is your primary energy


Hello! Thanks for your answer.
In this example (microyz), the source is electrons (PrimaryGeneration):

If I indicate photons as a source. It will be right? ->FindParticle(“gamma”).
Should I specify something else for the code to work correctly for photons?

I am confused by another line in the PhysicsList.cc file:
if (particleName == “e-”)
ph->RegisterProcess(new G4UserSpecialCuts(), particle());

Should “gamma” be specified here?

Thanks, sorry for stupid questions!

Hi! You can try using gammas. Make sure in the physics list the interactions of gammas are included. The example should then follow the secondaries created by the photon’s interactions.