Flux in energy like tally F4

Hi everyone,

For a project, we have to compare data from Geant4 and MCNPX, especially the data from the tally F4.

So for doing that I used the built-in scoring commands and I made the small small test

/run/numberOfThreads 4

/score/create/boxMesh test1
/score/mesh/boxSize 5. 5. 1. cm
/score/mesh/nBin 1 1 1
/score/mesh/translate/xyz 0 0.25 0 m

/score/quantity/cellFlux E1
/score/filter/kineticEnergy f1 0.01 0.1 MeV
/score/quantity/cellFlux E2
/score/filter/kineticEnergy f2 0.1 0.5  MeV
/score/quantity/cellFlux E3
/score/filter/kineticEnergy f3 0.5 1.  MeV
/score/quantity/cellFlux E4
/score/filter/kineticEnergy f4 1. 1.5  MeV
/score/quantity/cellFlux E5
/score/filter/kineticEnergy f5 1.5 2.  MeV


/gps/particle gamma
/gps/pos/centre 0 0 0 m

/gps/ene/type User
/gps/hist/type energy
/gps/hist/point 0.1 20.
/gps/hist/point 0.5 20.
/gps/hist/point 1. 20.
/gps/hist/point 1.5 20.
/gps/hist/point 2. 20.

/run/beamOn 100000

/score/dumpAllQuantitiesToFile test1 detecttest.csv

But my results seem very weird because I only have data for E1 and E2.

# mesh name: test1
# primitive scorer name: E1
# iX, iY, iZ, total(value) [percm2], total(val^2), entry
# primitive scorer name: E2
# iX, iY, iZ, total(value) [percm2], total(val^2), entry
# primitive scorer name: E3
# iX, iY, iZ, total(value) [percm2], total(val^2), entry
# primitive scorer name: E4
# iX, iY, iZ, total(value) [percm2], total(val^2), entry
# primitive scorer name: E5
# iX, iY, iZ, total(value) [percm2], total(val^2), entry

Moreover,result doesn’t seem normalized to 1 gamma but for entire run, does it ?

Thank you