G4RadioactiveDecaymessener.hh missing in geant4-11.0-beta

I just downloaded and compiled Geant4-11.0-beta version. I see that “G4RadioactiveDecaymessenger.hh” file is missing. Is it absent with purpose or I have done something wrong?

find is your friend :slight_smile: It looks like in G4 11.0 they’ve dropped that class name and replaced it with G4RadioactiveDecayBaseMessenger.hh.

Thanks @mkelsey. It seems there are many changes in 11.0 like G4EmProcessOptions.hh, G4NeutronInelasticProcess.hh etc. files are not there.

I am having a similar issue with some older Geant4 code in which a header file does not exist anymore in my current version. You mentioned “find,” is this a command? If so, how do I use it to locate potential replacement header files?

find is a general purpose Unix command. Read the man page; you could use it in a pipe and use grep to scan the contents of the files which were found. You’re unlikely to find “potential replacements” without reading and understanding the Release Notes.

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