G4Trap coplanarity problem with GEANT4 version >=10.4

In NA62 we use a large number of lead glass blocks recovered from the OPAL experiment. These blocks have all trapezoidal shape: the two parallel end faces are isosceles trapezoids with different dimensions and the side face connecting the two major bases of the trapezoids is ortogonal to the two end faces.
The blocks belong to 9 different categories according to the dimensions of the two end faces: these dimensions were defined by OPAL when the blocks were built and were validated by NA62.

To model these blocks with GEANT4 we used the G4Trap class with the block dimensions obtained from OPAL. This did not create a problem up to GEANT4 version 10.3. Since version 10.4 the G4Trap creator crashes reporting a planarity problem on one of the side faces of the trapezoid:

-------- EEEE ------- G4Exception-START -------- EEEE -------
*** G4Exception : GeomSolids0002
      issued by : G4Trap::MakePlanes()
Side face ~-X is not planar for solid: pbglblock
Discrepancy: 0.000332441 mm
    *** Dump for solid: pbglblock ***
 Solid type: G4Trap
    half length Z: 185 mm
    half length Y, face -Dz: 54.976 mm
    half length X, face -Dz, side -Dy1: 54.763 mm
    half length X, face -Dz, side +Dy1: 53.5015 mm
    half length Y, face +Dz: 49.125 mm
    half length X, face +Dz, side -Dy2: 48.7875 mm
    half length X, face +Dz, side +Dy2: 47.659 mm
    theta: 0.9059720706634017°
    phi: -90°
    alpha, face -Dz: 0°
    alpha, face +Dz: 0°

Checking the code, we found that the planarity tolerance check changed completely from version 10.3 to 10.4: in the older versions it was

  if (std::fabs(Vcross.dot(v14)/(Vcross.mag()*v14.mag())) > kCoplanar_Tolerance)
    good = false;

with kCoplanar_Tolerance set to 1E-4, while in the new version the check is

  // compute distances and check planarity
  G4double d1 = std::abs(normal.dot(p1) + plane.d);
  G4double d2 = std::abs(normal.dot(p2) + plane.d);
  G4double d3 = std::abs(normal.dot(p3) + plane.d);
  G4double d4 = std::abs(normal.dot(p4) + plane.d);
  G4double dmax = std::max(std::max(std::max(d1,d2),d3),d4);

  return (dmax > 1000 * kCarTolerance) ? false : true;

where kCarTolerance is set by G4GeometryTolerance to 1E-9 mm, thus requiring a planarity of 1E-6 mm (1 nm).

The dimensions of the block are correct but they are known with a precision of O(1um): we could try changing them a bit to remove the planarity problem but this would require a lengthy trial and error procedure we would rather avoid and which would be completely arbitrary.

Is a there a more reasonable way to fix this problem, which also does not require creating a private version of GEANT4 with a looser planarity tolerance in G4Trap?

Thank you

Emanuele Leonardi

P.S. this is the code we use to create the trapezoids. It comes from the DetectorConstruction class.

  // Block OPAL 15
  G4double blockZLength       = 370.000*mm; // Z length (PbGl only)
  G4double blockL1Length      = 109.952*mm; // L1 length (long base of back face)
  G4double blockL2Length      = 109.918*mm; // L2 length (short base of back face)
  G4double blockL3Length      =  95.420*mm; // L3 length (long base of front face)
  G4double blockL4Length      =  95.391*mm; // L4 length (short base of front face)
  G4double blockW1Length      = 109.952*mm; // W1 length (height of back face)
  G4double blockW2Length      =  95.461*mm; // W2 length (height of front face)

  // Create solid for PbGl block
  G4Trap* solidPbGlBlock = PbGlShape("pbglblock",blockL1Length,blockL2Length,blockL3Length,


G4Trap* B1DetectorConstruction::PbGlShape
(const G4String& name,
 G4double l1, G4double l2, // bases of back face
 G4double l3, G4double l4, // bases of front face
 G4double w1, G4double w2, // heights of back and front faces
 G4double z                // Z-length of trapezoid

  G4Trap* thisTrap;

  // Create trapezoid solid for PbGl block

  // Get half length of sides
  G4double hl1 = 0.5*l1;
  G4double hl2 = 0.5*l2;
  G4double hl3 = 0.5*l3;
  G4double hl4 = 0.5*l4;
  G4double hw1 = 0.5*w1;
  G4double hw2 = 0.5*w2;
  G4double hz  = 0.5*z;

  G4double theta = atan2(0.5*(w1-w2),z);
  G4double phi = -90.*deg;
  G4cout << "Theta " << theta << " Phi " << phi << G4endl;
  thisTrap = new G4Trap(name,
                        hz,    // Half z length
                        theta, // Polar angle of the line joining the centres of the faces at -/+pDz
                        phi,   // Azimuthal angle of the line joining the centre of the face at -pDz to the centre of the face at +pDz
                        hw1,   // Half y length at -pDz
                        hl1,   // Half x length of the side at y=-pDy1 of the face at -pDz
                        hl2,   // Half x length of the side at y=+pDy1 of the face at -pDz
                        0.,    // Angle with respect to the y axis from the centre of the side (lower endcap)
                        hw2,   // Half y length at +pDz
                        hl3,   // Half x length of the side at y=-pDy2 of the face at +pDz
                        hl4,   // Half x length of the side at y=+pDy2 of the face at +pDz
                        0.     // Angle with respect to the y axis from the centre of the side (upper endcap)

  //     Trapezoid
  return thisTrap;


Indeed, in Geant4 10.4 the tolerance for planarity of G4Trap faces has been decreased from 1E-4 to 1E-6. In the attachment you can find a function TrapParamAdjustment() that adjusts the parameters of a G4Trap solid to make its faces planar.

TrapParamsAdjustment.cc (3.8 KB)

Dear Evgueni,
thank you for your answer: the function you sent does indeed solve the problem.
It would probably be a good idea to include it in the official G4 distribution and mention it in the G4 User manual when G4Trap is defined: I expect this to be a quite common problem.
Thanks again

In spite of the fix suggested by Evgueni, which allowed us to run our MC for over 1 year, the G4Trap acoplanarity problem reappeared when compiling the NA62MC simulation program on Anaconda:

-------- EEEE ------- G4Exception-START -------- EEEE -------
*** G4Exception : GeomSolids0002
      issued by : G4Trap::MakePlanes()
Side face ~-X is not planar for solid: pbglblock
Discrepancy: -6.94394e-05 mm
    *** Dump for solid: pbglblock ***
 Solid type: G4Trap
    half length Z: 185 mm
    half length Y, face -Dz: 54.976 mm
    half length X, face -Dz, side -Dy1: 54.976 mm
    half length X, face -Dz, side +Dy1: 54.959 mm
    half length Y, face +Dz: 47.7305 mm
    half length X, face +Dz, side -Dy2: 47.71 mm
    half length X, face +Dz, side +Dy2: 47.6955 mm
    theta: 1.121847346751282°
    phi: -90°
    alpha, face -Dz: 0°
alpha, face +Dz: 0°
-----------------------------------------------------------*** Fatal
Exception *** core dump ***
 **** Track information is not available at this moment
 **** Step information is not available at this moment-------- EEEE
-------- G4Exception-END --------- EEEE -------

The effect is minimal (70nm) but it is deemed enough to make the program crash.

Can anybody find a solution to completely solve the G4Trap planarity issue?

Thank you very much


Dear Emanuele,

I guess that the source of the issue is that the data used for G4Trap construction came form engineering drawing/calculation and for this reason have only single precision.

If the TrapParamAdjustment function will be invoked every time before G4Trap construction then it will solve the G4Trap planarity issue.


Hi Evgueni.
The TrapParamAdjustment was used in the past but had been removed by mistake.
When I put it back, the problem disappeared.
Sorry for the unneeded noise and thanks for your answer.