GDML Material definition for Onyx with Carbon Fibre inset

Went to a 3D printing workshop organised by Creat3D in the UK. One of the companies presenting their products was Markforged Came across this YouTube Video today We 3D Printed a Satellite with Sidus Space. - YouTube.

What is the best way to find out the GDML Material definition for Oynx? And Oynex + Carbon Fibre?

according to the datasheet, onyx is based on nylon. The predefined nylon materials in the database are all very similar:

 Ncomp             Name      density(g/cm^3)  I(eV) ChFormula
 4              G4_NYLON-8062       1.08      64.3
         1      0.103509
         6      0.648416
         7     0.0995361
         8      0.148539
 4               G4_NYLON-6-6       1.14      63.9
         6             6
         1            11
         7             1
         8             1
 4              G4_NYLON-6-10       1.14      63.2
         1      0.107062
         6      0.680449
         7      0.099189
         8        0.1133
 4         G4_NYLON-11_RILSAN      1.425      61.6
         1      0.115476
         6      0.720818
         7     0.0764169
         8     0.0872889

do you know the percentage of carbon fiber?

I had a similar question with Tungsten and Nylon, this is the code:

    auto Nylon = nistManager->FindOrBuildMaterial("G4_NYLON-6-6");
    auto Wolfram = nistManager->FindOrBuildMaterial("G4_W");

    // WolframNylon
    G4Material* WolframNylon = new G4Material("WolframNylon", 11.*g/cm3, 2, kStateSolid);
        WolframNylon->AddMaterial(Wolfram, 70.*perCent);
        WolframNylon->AddMaterial(Nylon, 30.*perCent);

and this is the resulting gdml export, if it helps:

    <material name="WolframNylon0000029382595D40" state="solid">
      <T unit="K" value="293.15"/>
      <MEE unit="eV" value="294.807333383759"/>
      <D unit="g/cm3" value="11"/>
      <fraction n="0.7" ref="W0000029382616090"/>
      <fraction n="0.191054451610516" ref="C0000029382616F90"/>
      <fraction n="0.0293943571026855" ref="H0000029382615490"/>
      <fraction n="0.0371342144481125" ref="N0000029382616ED0"/>
      <fraction n="0.0424169768386862" ref="O0000029382615A90"/>
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how could you trasfer the material difine code in cc file(G4Material* WolframNylon = …) to gdml file( <material name="WolframNylon0000…)

got my inspiration from here: