Geant4-DNA and dnaphysics

Hello my friends,
Recently I want to use the example of “dnaphysics” to simulation the track structure of the electron in wrater. Here is my macro file.

But there are no secondary particles produced except secondary electrons, as shown in the following figure. Is this normal?


The simulation of the track structure in Geant4-DNA has an upper limit up to 1 MeV.


Thanks for your reply. I used the physics process of “DNA_opt2” and added the “emstandard_opt4” in this simulation. This allows, for example, to simulate the interactions of electrons beyond the 1 MeV maximum upper limit of Geant4-DNA electron models using Geant4 electromagnetic physicsmodels above this limit.
So why the simulation of the track structure can’t be implemented when energy is greater than 1MeV?



A new extension of the electron track structure may be implemented in next version. However, time consuming for high energies of track structure could be a reason.