Geant4 mpi + mt

Hi All,

I plan to run GEANT in online computing clusters with multiple nodes for faster simulation. I was looking through the documentations and I noticed that in the extended examples exMPI04 it states: “Combined MT + MPI merging is not yet supported” . I am using ROOT Ntuples and already have MT on. However another link here suggest MPI and MT parallelism that MT+MPI works. While I be able to merge Ntuples with MPI+MT ?



Maybe @ivana can provide updated information here?

Hello Abhinab,

The statement in the example exMPI04 concerns ntuple merging only; you can run MT + MPI and choose either merging ntuples on threads or on MPI workers. Your output will then contain multiple ROOT files which you can further process with ROOT TChain.

Best regards,


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