Geant4 Project run Error

Hello Everyone.
I recently started using Geant4 since I need to create a simulation of my experimental setup. When I created a simple simulation of a source and detector, built the project and tried to run the exe file, it gives me this error:
***** Batch is interrupted!! *****
-------- WWWW ------- G4Exception-START -------- WWWW ------- *** G4Exception : UIMAN0123 issued by : G4UImanager::ApplyCommand Command aborted (100) Error code : 100 *** This is just a warning message. *** -------- WWWW -------- G4Exception-END --------- WWWW -------

I cannot figure out which command is missing, or whether it’s a command missing from either one of the code files or the visualization macro file. It would be an immense help if I can get some advice on this.

Thank You.
_Geant4 Version:_10.7.0
_Operating System:_ubuntu 20.04
_Compiler/Version:_G++ 9.4.0
_CMake Version:_3.16.3

Can you share your code, and are there any additional messages before

as I would have expected it to print which command it didn’t find.

You’d expect that, wouldn’t you? My experience is that if you run a macro “from the command line” – i.e., as an argument to the application that gets passed into the UIexecutive – all it prints is that useless “COMMAND NOT FOUND.” If you launch the executable and get the normal PreInit> prompt, then you can type the commands from the macro one by one, and it’ll give you a nice error showing you exactly the command string.