
_Geant4 Version:4.11.2
_Operating System:Ubuntu24.04
_Compiler/Version:gcc 13.2.0
_CMake Version: 3.27.0

In Fact i would like to understand these lines of code when doing PhysicsList

auto particleIterator = GetParticleIterator();


looking on documentation; Geant4 Classes, i can’t found where this iterator business is declared

could somebody give some infos or where to find them

Thank’s a lot

This is why auto is evil and should never be used with a strongly typed language. In any event, The Doxygen class documentation (which is linked at the bottom of Geant4 Documentation - Geant4) might help you, or you can find stuff the old fashioned way.

$ grep GetParticleIterator $G4INCLUDE/*List*.hh

will return $G4INCLUDE/G4VUserPhysicsList.hh as the place to look. There, you’ll see that the returned pointer is G4ParticleTable::G4PTblDicIterator*.

$ more $G4INCLUDE/G4ParticleTable.hh

will show you

    using G4PTblDicIterator =
            G4ParticleTableIterator<G4String, G4ParticleDefinition*>;

and a dozen or so lines above that,

#include "G4ParticleTableIterator.hh"

If you want to know the details of the implementation, you can look at that .hh file.

thank you… i will focuss on these lines…