Given Geant4 11.3 has VecGeom with CUDA support and NVIDIA has just announced
the Jetson Orin Nano Super Developer kit for just under £500.
Will there be any interest in building Geant4 for the Arm architecture?
Same question for all the Linux libraries that people use?
Obviously a new architecture would require a lot of effort to support new versions etc
I know that for the NVIDIA Jetson has a linux based on Ubuntu but was never sure how well it was kept up to date.
Would this be of interest in Uni’s etc ? Or would people just gravitate to cloud servers with GPU’s and CUDA support?
Is this something that NVIDIA might provide some funding for?
It’s already been done - at least, successful builds have been done of the ATLAS stack including Geant4: Many other successful builds have been done, including on Grace Hopper.
If you mean “does Geant4 support running on GPUs” then the answer is “not at present”. There are R&D projects and codes looking at this, for example